To give importance and depth to all those diagnostic strategies that, uninfluenced by commonplaces and passing fads, return a numerical foundation to measured reality. To send a clear signal to future players in the building supply chain on what should be the correct analytical approach to be applied to this complex subject marked by the pursuit of real building quality.
To offer the next generation of designers the awareness of being able to grapple with the technological possibilities offered by the market in order to become protagonists and certifiers of a building process also aimed at the prevention of various environmental pathologies. The aim of the course is to empower and train future professionals in the choice of materials, construction techniques and site dynamics in the presence of pathological situations. The intent is to convey as much as possible the transfer of useful knowledge to the technicians who will go on to design the next low-emission buildings.
To offer the next generation of designers the awareness of being able to grapple with the technological possibilities offered by the market in order to become protagonists and certifiers of a building process also aimed at the prevention of various environmental pathologies. The aim of the course is to empower and train future professionals in the choice of materials, construction techniques and site dynamics in the presence of pathological situations. The intent is to convey as much as possible the transfer of useful knowledge to the technicians who will go on to design the next low-emission buildings.
teacher profile teaching materials
The quality of life inside confined environments is determined by the external pollutant load and a considerable contribution of internal contaminants. The ratio between the generic quality of an outdoor environment and that of an indoor space results in a ratio of 1 to 5, that is, under indoor conditions we can be influenced by up to five times more pollutants than outside. Inside a confined environment we can detect everything that is also present outdoors with the addition of contaminants generated by the building envelope, the furnishings in it, the cleaning, cosmetic and personal hygiene products of the occupants, as well as the presence of animals, insects, fungi, bacteria viruses and microorganisms. Since there are no ventilation and aeration conditions inside comparable to those outside, concentrations of pathogens are multiplied and aggravated by the small size of living, study and/or work spaces.
These assumptions give rise to a subject capable of design intervention in the emissive characteristics of a building envelope and the creation of indoor living conditions that form the backbone of proper primary environmental prevention prophylaxis.
The contents of the course are dedicated to raising the quality of the built environment through the development of protocols (of analysis and intervention) aimed at the containment of pollutants present within confined spaces; its scope of action, on the other hand, is characterized by two precise branches of activity that are often synergistic: one of audit and one of certification. The former consists of the measurement of compounds potentially present within confined spaces in order to assess their concentration and possibly intervene to lower it; the latter, on the other hand, is declined through the application of protocols capable of managing each building process (both renovation and new construction) from the design phase and guaranteeing the low emissivity of a building at the time of its delivery.
Compendio di Patologia Ambientale,
Torino, Minerva Medica, 2008.
[02] Nicholas ASHFORD, Claudia MILLER,
Chemical Exposure: Low Levels and High Stakes,
Toronto, John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
[03] Leopoldo BUSA,
Determinazione Attraverso Spazio di Testa Diretto in GC-SM dei Composti Volatili Nocivi Rilasciati dai Materiali Isolanti,
Tesi di Master CasaClima, LUB, prof. S. Angeli, C. Benedetti, a.a. 2010-‘11.
[04] Leopoldo BUSA et al.,
Linee Guida ARCA per la Salubrità dell’Aria Indoor,
Rovereto (TN), ARCA Casa Legno, 2015.
[05] Leopoldo BUSA,
Progettare l’Aria,
Rimini (RN), Maggioli, 2020
[06] Carla IACOBELLI et al.,
Fattori di Inquinamento Ambientale: I Composti Volatili Organici (VOCs),
Roma, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 2008.
[07] Gaetano SETTIMO, Lucia BONADONNA,
Qualità dell’Aria Indoor negli Ambienti Sanitari: Strategie di Monitoraggio degli Inquinanti Chimici e Biologici,
Roma, ISS Serie Rapporti ISTISAN 19/17, 2019.
[08] Bill C. WOLVERTON,
Amiche piante,
Milano, Armenia 1998.
Mutuazione: 21010260 Progettare l'aria in Architettura - Progettazione architettonica LM-4 TONELLI CHIARA, Busa Leopoldo
The course develops a series of cutting-edge topics hinged on the subject of the healthiness of confined spaces and oriented toward the possibility of developing this subject through design tools, practical-operational protocols and diagnostic methodologies capable of directing towards a true specialist profession.The quality of life inside confined environments is determined by the external pollutant load and a considerable contribution of internal contaminants. The ratio between the generic quality of an outdoor environment and that of an indoor space results in a ratio of 1 to 5, that is, under indoor conditions we can be influenced by up to five times more pollutants than outside. Inside a confined environment we can detect everything that is also present outdoors with the addition of contaminants generated by the building envelope, the furnishings in it, the cleaning, cosmetic and personal hygiene products of the occupants, as well as the presence of animals, insects, fungi, bacteria viruses and microorganisms. Since there are no ventilation and aeration conditions inside comparable to those outside, concentrations of pathogens are multiplied and aggravated by the small size of living, study and/or work spaces.
These assumptions give rise to a subject capable of design intervention in the emissive characteristics of a building envelope and the creation of indoor living conditions that form the backbone of proper primary environmental prevention prophylaxis.
The contents of the course are dedicated to raising the quality of the built environment through the development of protocols (of analysis and intervention) aimed at the containment of pollutants present within confined spaces; its scope of action, on the other hand, is characterized by two precise branches of activity that are often synergistic: one of audit and one of certification. The former consists of the measurement of compounds potentially present within confined spaces in order to assess their concentration and possibly intervene to lower it; the latter, on the other hand, is declined through the application of protocols capable of managing each building process (both renovation and new construction) from the design phase and guaranteeing the low emissivity of a building at the time of its delivery.
Core Documentation
[01] Giancarlo UGAZIO,Compendio di Patologia Ambientale,
Torino, Minerva Medica, 2008.
[02] Nicholas ASHFORD, Claudia MILLER,
Chemical Exposure: Low Levels and High Stakes,
Toronto, John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
[03] Leopoldo BUSA,
Determinazione Attraverso Spazio di Testa Diretto in GC-SM dei Composti Volatili Nocivi Rilasciati dai Materiali Isolanti,
Tesi di Master CasaClima, LUB, prof. S. Angeli, C. Benedetti, a.a. 2010-‘11.
[04] Leopoldo BUSA et al.,
Linee Guida ARCA per la Salubrità dell’Aria Indoor,
Rovereto (TN), ARCA Casa Legno, 2015.
[05] Leopoldo BUSA,
Progettare l’Aria,
Rimini (RN), Maggioli, 2020
[06] Carla IACOBELLI et al.,
Fattori di Inquinamento Ambientale: I Composti Volatili Organici (VOCs),
Roma, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 2008.
[07] Gaetano SETTIMO, Lucia BONADONNA,
Qualità dell’Aria Indoor negli Ambienti Sanitari: Strategie di Monitoraggio degli Inquinanti Chimici e Biologici,
Roma, ISS Serie Rapporti ISTISAN 19/17, 2019.
[08] Bill C. WOLVERTON,
Amiche piante,
Milano, Armenia 1998.
Type of delivery of the course
The course is developed in lecture sessions equally divided between theory and practice/exercise that are offered weekly according to organizational needs, generally each session consists of: - no.2 hours of theory lecture, - no.1 hour devoted to practical exercises for learning the topics covered, - n.1 hour review for developing a low-E building design (which will also be an exam topic). During the course there will be some theoretical lectures dedicated to learning specific notions (especially plant engineering) that will be held by professionals/companies operating in the Italian market of building healthiness, as well as some hours of presentation of the profession run by established technicians who are already working in the field of low-E building design by applying the principles of air healthiness that are conveyed during the course.Attendance
Attendance is mandatory for 75% of the course.Type of evaluation
Oral exam teacher profile teaching materials
The quality of life inside confined environments is determined by the external pollutant load and a considerable contribution of internal contaminants. The ratio between the generic quality of an outdoor environment and that of an indoor space results in a ratio of 1 to 5, that is, under indoor conditions we can be influenced by up to five times more pollutants than outside. Inside a confined environment we can detect everything that is also present outdoors with the addition of contaminants generated by the building envelope, the furnishings in it, the cleaning, cosmetic and personal hygiene products of the occupants, as well as the presence of animals, insects, fungi, bacteria viruses and microorganisms. Since there are no ventilation and aeration conditions inside comparable to those outside, concentrations of pathogens are multiplied and aggravated by the small size of living, study and/or work spaces.
These assumptions give rise to a subject capable of design intervention in the emissive characteristics of a building envelope and the creation of indoor living conditions that form the backbone of proper primary environmental prevention prophylaxis.
The contents of the course are dedicated to raising the quality of the built environment through the development of protocols (of analysis and intervention) aimed at the containment of pollutants present within confined spaces; its scope of action, on the other hand, is characterized by two precise branches of activity that are often synergistic: one of audit and one of certification. The former consists of the measurement of compounds potentially present within confined spaces in order to assess their concentration and possibly intervene to lower it; the latter, on the other hand, is declined through the application of protocols capable of managing each building process (both renovation and new construction) from the design phase and guaranteeing the low emissivity of a building at the time of its delivery.
Compendio di Patologia Ambientale,
Torino, Minerva Medica, 2008.
[02] Nicholas ASHFORD, Claudia MILLER,
Chemical Exposure: Low Levels and High Stakes,
Toronto, John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
[03] Leopoldo BUSA,
Determinazione Attraverso Spazio di Testa Diretto in GC-SM dei Composti Volatili Nocivi Rilasciati dai Materiali Isolanti,
Tesi di Master CasaClima, LUB, prof. S. Angeli, C. Benedetti, a.a. 2010-‘11.
[04] Leopoldo BUSA et al.,
Linee Guida ARCA per la Salubrità dell’Aria Indoor,
Rovereto (TN), ARCA Casa Legno, 2015.
[05] Leopoldo BUSA,
Progettare l’Aria,
Rimini (RN), Maggioli, 2020
[06] Carla IACOBELLI et al.,
Fattori di Inquinamento Ambientale: I Composti Volatili Organici (VOCs),
Roma, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 2008.
[07] Gaetano SETTIMO, Lucia BONADONNA,
Qualità dell’Aria Indoor negli Ambienti Sanitari: Strategie di Monitoraggio degli Inquinanti Chimici e Biologici,
Roma, ISS Serie Rapporti ISTISAN 19/17, 2019.
[08] Bill C. WOLVERTON,
Amiche piante,
Milano, Armenia 1998.
Mutuazione: 21010260 Progettare l'aria in Architettura - Progettazione architettonica LM-4 TONELLI CHIARA, Busa Leopoldo
The course develops a series of cutting-edge topics hinged on the subject of the healthiness of confined spaces and oriented toward the possibility of developing this subject through design tools, practical-operational protocols and diagnostic methodologies capable of directing towards a true specialist profession.The quality of life inside confined environments is determined by the external pollutant load and a considerable contribution of internal contaminants. The ratio between the generic quality of an outdoor environment and that of an indoor space results in a ratio of 1 to 5, that is, under indoor conditions we can be influenced by up to five times more pollutants than outside. Inside a confined environment we can detect everything that is also present outdoors with the addition of contaminants generated by the building envelope, the furnishings in it, the cleaning, cosmetic and personal hygiene products of the occupants, as well as the presence of animals, insects, fungi, bacteria viruses and microorganisms. Since there are no ventilation and aeration conditions inside comparable to those outside, concentrations of pathogens are multiplied and aggravated by the small size of living, study and/or work spaces.
These assumptions give rise to a subject capable of design intervention in the emissive characteristics of a building envelope and the creation of indoor living conditions that form the backbone of proper primary environmental prevention prophylaxis.
The contents of the course are dedicated to raising the quality of the built environment through the development of protocols (of analysis and intervention) aimed at the containment of pollutants present within confined spaces; its scope of action, on the other hand, is characterized by two precise branches of activity that are often synergistic: one of audit and one of certification. The former consists of the measurement of compounds potentially present within confined spaces in order to assess their concentration and possibly intervene to lower it; the latter, on the other hand, is declined through the application of protocols capable of managing each building process (both renovation and new construction) from the design phase and guaranteeing the low emissivity of a building at the time of its delivery.
Core Documentation
[01] Giancarlo UGAZIO,Compendio di Patologia Ambientale,
Torino, Minerva Medica, 2008.
[02] Nicholas ASHFORD, Claudia MILLER,
Chemical Exposure: Low Levels and High Stakes,
Toronto, John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
[03] Leopoldo BUSA,
Determinazione Attraverso Spazio di Testa Diretto in GC-SM dei Composti Volatili Nocivi Rilasciati dai Materiali Isolanti,
Tesi di Master CasaClima, LUB, prof. S. Angeli, C. Benedetti, a.a. 2010-‘11.
[04] Leopoldo BUSA et al.,
Linee Guida ARCA per la Salubrità dell’Aria Indoor,
Rovereto (TN), ARCA Casa Legno, 2015.
[05] Leopoldo BUSA,
Progettare l’Aria,
Rimini (RN), Maggioli, 2020
[06] Carla IACOBELLI et al.,
Fattori di Inquinamento Ambientale: I Composti Volatili Organici (VOCs),
Roma, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 2008.
[07] Gaetano SETTIMO, Lucia BONADONNA,
Qualità dell’Aria Indoor negli Ambienti Sanitari: Strategie di Monitoraggio degli Inquinanti Chimici e Biologici,
Roma, ISS Serie Rapporti ISTISAN 19/17, 2019.
[08] Bill C. WOLVERTON,
Amiche piante,
Milano, Armenia 1998.
Type of delivery of the course
The course is developed in lecture sessions equally divided between theory and practice/exercise that are offered weekly according to organizational needs, generally each session consists of: - no.2 hours of theory lecture, - no.1 hour devoted to practical exercises for learning the topics covered, - n.1 hour review for developing a low-E building design (which will also be an exam topic). During the course there will be some theoretical lectures dedicated to learning specific notions (especially plant engineering) that will be held by professionals/companies operating in the Italian market of building healthiness, as well as some hours of presentation of the profession run by established technicians who are already working in the field of low-E building design by applying the principles of air healthiness that are conveyed during the course.Attendance
Attendance is mandatory for 75% of the course.Type of evaluation
Oral exam