The transformation of the city is accompanied by processes of reuse of buildings and areas that are not used or which are affected by processes of disposal or functional reconversion or environmental interventions.
The course aims to provide the student with the tools and methods necessary to place the project within these processes. Reuse and adaptive reuse directly call into question the relationships between body and spaces and between inhabitants and buildings, connoting the action of the project in the sense of an openness to the contributions and desires of possible users and inhabitants in general. Open, inclusive design practices that engage in dialogue with those interested in transformation will constitute a particular focus offered to students together with the relevance that artistic and performative initiatives can play in these processes.
The course aims to provide the student with the tools and methods necessary to place the project within these processes. Reuse and adaptive reuse directly call into question the relationships between body and spaces and between inhabitants and buildings, connoting the action of the project in the sense of an openness to the contributions and desires of possible users and inhabitants in general. Open, inclusive design practices that engage in dialogue with those interested in transformation will constitute a particular focus offered to students together with the relevance that artistic and performative initiatives can play in these processes.
teacher profile teaching materials
Mutuazione: 21010049 PROCESSI DI RIUSO E RIUSO ADATTIVO DEL PATRIMONIO in Architettura - Progettazione urbana LM-4 PIETROPAOLI MARTINA