The course of "Technology of production cycles" aims to provide students with conceptual and analytical tools to identify and understand some relevant phenomena both in the business and in the economic sphere. It aims to illustrate the evolution of technology, its future scenario, its application in the business reality. To this end the interest is mainly focused on the study of the different types of production processes and on the organization of production through a careful analysis of the reference parameters and of the characteristic components such as:- technology and organization of production from the origins to reality current,- relationship between the organization of production processes and the organization of work and the company - the production processes in relation to the new needs and the strategic parameters of production, including technological, economic and environmental aspects - quality from evolution historical to current reality and quality management through the latest tools



teacher profile | teaching materials


Technique and technology; Technical progress and economy; the evolution of technology. Technological innovation: definition, classification; main theories on technological innovation; Technological innovation and effects in the short, medium and long term. Research and innovation.
Industrial automation: meaning and historical evolution. The map of industrial automation: classification criteria. Market and development of industrial automation
technology and production organization: from the steam engine to the assembly line; from mechanization to lean production through rigid and flexible automation. The integrated system and the automated system.
Relationship between the organization of production processes and organization of work and company: traditional organization; enlarged; systemic; integrated.
Systems of coordination and control of company organization and current trends: from the hierarchical model to the holonic-virtual company.
Production processes: The new needs and the strategic parameters of production. Main kind of production processes: job shop process, batch, line and continuous.
Production cycles: technological, economic and environmental aspects.
Production management: Production plans. Demand forecasts. Project Management. Material management. Production control.
Production management techniques: The push and pull logic. The Just in Time logic and Lean Production. The MRP II system. The new production management models.
Quality: historical evolution; quality management and tools.

Core Documentation

Greasley A., (2013), Operations Management, Third Edition, Wiley

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures will be delivered in the classroom by the professor(s); lectures will possibly be supplemented by seminars held by experts and/or testimonials from the business world. Lectures will be supplemented with in-person exercises also for the purpose of self-assessment by the students For students who do not attend lectures, meetings are scheduled during the student reception according to the established timetable, which is indicated on the website of the Department of Business Administration, on the lecturer's page and on the appropriate notice boards. Students can book an appointment also using the link below http://servizivocali.uniroma3.it:8099/PrenotazioneColloqui/Appointments.mvc/6121/0/15

Type of evaluation

Assessment of the achievement of the training objectives will be conducted by means of a written examination. In-person exercises will be carried out during the course to enable self-assessment by the students. The FORMS/Moodle platform will be used for self-assessments during the course and the results will be discussed in the classroom and individually (with those who request them).

teacher profile | teaching materials


Technique and technology; Technical progress and economy; the evolution of technology. Technological innovation: definition, classification; main theories on technological innovation; Technological innovation and effects in the short, medium and long term. Research and innovation.
Industrial automation: meaning and historical evolution. The map of industrial automation: classification criteria. Market and development of industrial automation
technology and production organization: from the steam engine to the assembly line; from mechanization to lean production through rigid and flexible automation. The integrated system and the automated system.
Relationship between the organization of production processes and organization of work and company: traditional organization; enlarged; systemic; integrated.
Systems of coordination and control of company organization and current trends: from the hierarchical model to the holonic-virtual company.
Production processes: The new needs and the strategic parameters of production. Main kind of production processes: job shop process, batch, line and continuous.
Production cycles: technological, economic and environmental aspects.
Production management: Production plans. Demand forecasts. Project Management. Material management. Production control.
Production management techniques: The push and pull logic. The Just in Time logic and Lean Production. The MRP II system. The new production management models.
Quality: historical evolution; quality management and tools.

Core Documentation

E. Chiacchierini " Tecnologia e Produzione" Ed. CEDAM 2012
Cap. 1 (in parte pag.1/15 e 82/97 )
Cap. 2 tutto
Cap. 3 (in parte pag 155/186, da 187 cenni)
Cap. 4 tutto
Cap 5 tutto

Greasley A., (2013), Operations Management, Third Edition, Wiley

Type of evaluation

Evaluation of the achievement of training objectives will be carried out by oral examination; the online exercises carried out during the course are mainly aimed at encouraging students' self-assessment. Different methods of assessment (written test) may be adopted in response to particular needs on the part of the students. Due to the COVID crisis, the exams may need to be provided orally through TEAMS platform. We suggest any student check the institutional information channels to be rapidly informed about any changement

teacher profile | teaching materials


Technique and technology; Technical progress and economy; the evolution of technology. Technological innovation: definition, classification; main theories on technological innovation; Technological innovation and effects in the short, medium and long term. Research and innovation.
Industrial automation: meaning and historical evolution. The map of industrial automation: classification criteria. Market and development of industrial automation
technology and production organization: from the steam engine to the assembly line; from mechanization to lean production through rigid and flexible automation. The integrated system and the automated system.
Relationship between the organization of production processes and organization of work and company: traditional organization; enlarged; systemic; integrated.
Systems of coordination and control of company organization and current trends: from the hierarchical model to the holonic-virtual company.
Production processes: The new needs and the strategic parameters of production. Main kind of production processes: job shop process, batch, line and continuous.
Production cycles: technological, economic and environmental aspects.
Production management: Production plans. Demand forecasts. Project Management. Material management. Production control.
Production management techniques: The push and pull logic. The Just in Time logic and Lean Production. The MRP II system. The new production management models.
Quality: historical evolution; quality management and tools.

Core Documentation

Greasley A., (2013), Operations Management, Third Edition, Wiley

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures delivered in the classroom by the lecturer(s). The lectures may be supplemented with seminars held by experts and testimonials from the business world. The lectures will be supplemented with in-person exercises for self-assessment by the students. For students who do not attend lectures, meetings are scheduled during the reception according to the established timetable, indicated on the Department of Business Administration website, on the lecturer's page and on the appropriate notice boards.

Type of evaluation

Assessment of the achievement of the training objectives will be conducted employing a written examination. In-person exercises will be carried out during the course to enable self-assessment by the students. The FORMS/MOODLE platforms will be used for the in-progress self-assessments, and the results will be discussed in the classroom and individually (with those who request them).


Mutuazione: 21201498 TECNOLOGIA DEI CICLI PRODUTTIVI in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 (docente da definire)

Mutuazione: 21201498 TECNOLOGIA DEI CICLI PRODUTTIVI in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 (docente da definire)