21210161 - AUDITING

The course aims to provide a theoretical and operational overview of the processes of financial auditing. The objective is to investigate the main methods of financial auditing in use in the business community, based on national and international audit standards, in order to improve a critical approach to their use, also in relation to the specific purposes of the audit and to the peculiar characteristics of each methodology.
The course aims to provide a concrete preparation on the logic and techniques of financial auditing, aiming to encourage the maturation of specific skills for professionals, who will be called to deal with accounting audits and control of company processes, even with reference to companies that require the application of specific verification procedures due to the peculiar characteristics of their business, such as listed companies, banks and insurance companies.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Scope of the external auditing.
Preparing the work of auditing, the general auditing standards. Non Auditing services.
Internal control system: its nature, objectives and features. COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations) report model. The ERM (Enterprise Risk Management) framework: an integrated approach towards risk management.
ERM and ESG-related risks reports. The auditor among the other governance bodies in italian companies.
The legislative environment. Italian and international auditing standards. Annual report content according to Italian discipline. CONSOB statements.
Auditing methodology: process oriented approach. Internal control over financial reporting. The audit activity on the main company processes.
Significance and materiality.
Work charts.
Auditor responsibility. Audit procedures and evidences.
Audit quality.
Audit activity: it concerns.
Examples on the activity over main financial reporting accounts.
The audit report.
Fraud auditing .
Independence anc ethics.
Auditing in groups.
Audit in M&A.
Integrated reporting: the role of the auditors.

Supplementary and possible issue:
Non financial disclosure and the role of auditors

Core Documentation

BOSONI E, FELLEGARA A., Manuale di revisione legale. Logiche e strumenti, Torino Giappichelli, 2020

Italian standard of Auditing: statements n. 200 – 210 – 220 – 240 – 250 – 250B – 260 – 265 – 300 – 315 – 320 – 330 – 402 – 450 – 500 – 501 – 510 – 520 – 530 – 540 – 550 – 560 – 570 – 580 – 600 – 610 – 620 – 700 – 701 – 702 – 705 – 706 – 710 – 720 – 720B – International Standard of Quality Control (Italy) ISQC1

Supplementary documents provided by the professor.

Type of delivery of the course

As soon as the pandemic time would be expired, the traditional way of class will be restored.

Type of evaluation

Oral exam, ordinarily three questions per student In COVID pandemic time, all the rules issued both by National Institutions and University related to exams and evalutations will be strictly observed.