Acquisition of methodological and technical knowledge and development of professional skills in applied economics, through an educational program that alternates lectures, practical classes and thematic seminars with external experts; practical classes introduce to the statistical and information sources for applied economic analysis and train for data elaborations and reporting activities; seminars are addressed, year by year, to relevant topics for the Italian economy and allow to get in touch with applied professional economists working in the private sector and in public institutions; at the end of the training process students are required to draft a research report and to discuss it during the final examination.


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Fruizione: 21201465 LABORATORIO DI ECONOMIA APPLICATA in Scienze Economiche LM-56 (docente da definire)

teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 21201465 LABORATORIO DI ECONOMIA APPLICATA in Scienze Economiche LM-56 (docente da definire)

teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 21201465 LABORATORIO DI ECONOMIA APPLICATA in Scienze Economiche LM-56 (docente da definire)

teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 21201465 LABORATORIO DI ECONOMIA APPLICATA in Scienze Economiche LM-56 (docente da definire)

teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 21201465 LABORATORIO DI ECONOMIA APPLICATA in Scienze Economiche LM-56 (docente da definire)

teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 21201465 LABORATORIO DI ECONOMIA APPLICATA in Scienze Economiche LM-56 (docente da definire)

teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 21201465 LABORATORIO DI ECONOMIA APPLICATA in Scienze Economiche LM-56 (docente da definire)