21210205 - Economia Politica

The course aims to provide the basic tools of economics, useful to understand the reality and the evolution of the economic system. Particular attention will be paid to the changes induced by the digital transformation. At the end of the course, students will be able to: O1) understand and use the main concepts of microeconomic analysis (consumer, business, market and competitive equilibrium, welfare implications, market failures); O2) understand the impact of the choices of individual players on the entire economic system through simple models; O3) understand the use of the main economic indicators and interpret simple empirical evidence
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What is economics
Scarcity, choice and economic systems
Demand and supply
Consumer choices
Production and costs
The decision-making process of companies: profit maximization
Perfect competition
Monopoly and imperfect competition
The job market
Economic efficiency and the role of the state

Introduction to macroeconomics
Income production and employment
The monetary system, prices and inflation
Economic growth and raising the standard of living
Economic fluctuations
The banking system, the Central Bank and monetary policy
Aggregate demand and aggregate supply

Core Documentation

The recommended textbook is:
Lieberman M. and Hall R.E., 2015, Economics. Principles and applications, Maggioli Editore, https://www.maggiolieditore.it/economia-principi-e-applicazioni.html

Attendance at lectures is strongly recommended. A cycle of weekly classes and a personalized tutoring program will also be part of the course.

The classes will be held by Prof. Giovanni Nicola De Vito. The recommended text for the classes is
De Vito G.N., 2022, Political Economy: Tools and Exercises (2nd edition), Maggioli Editore, https://www.maggiolieditore.it/economia-politica.html
Dr. Francesca Marinelli will be responsible for the tutoring meetings

Type of delivery of the course

The course includes 60 hours of lectures, in which the main theories will be explained and discussed, with examples and practical applications. There will also be a cycle of 20-hour classes, for in-depth analysis and to carry out exercises and applications.

Type of evaluation

The exam will include a written and an oral test in each exam session. Written preliminary tests will be carried out during the semester.

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