21210230-1 - Fondamenti giuridici della digitalizzazione – Modulo 1

Legal foundations of digitalisation (IUS/01 – IUS/09 – 12 hours)

The course is basic and therefore no prerequisites are required.

It deals with the study of the fundamental legal principles and categories that revolve around the phenomenon of the digitization of society, the development of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Digital Coins and Crypto-assets, Blockchain and Smart Contracts.

This with particular regard to the sources of private and public law, to the technological innovation, to the organization of relations on the Internet and in online-markets.

In Private Law lessons will focus on the main legal problems of the digitalization through the basic categories of the fundamental rights, subjects and juridical situations, objects, autonomy of parties, specific contracts and liability.

In Public Law the aim of the course itself is to provide students with an overview of the main issues of public relevance in particularly advanced technological sectors, which are often not yet specifically regulated. The legal aspects related to the spread of new technologies, with particular reference to the sources and legal consequences of the development of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, as well as of the Virtual Currencies and Blockchain, will be explored.

It will be also investigated the structure and the effects of online democracy, i.e. that form of participatory and/or direct democracy, which makes use of modern information technologies and the legal problems posed by the collection, interconnection and the use of large amounts of information, with regard to the right to the privacy and data security.
teacher profile | teaching materials


A) General part: the elements of Private Law.

1) Private Law and Public Law
2) The sources of Private Law
3) Facts, acts and legal effects
4) The subjects
5) Acts: the contract and its essential discipline. Outline of the concept of obligation.
6) Liability
7) Legal assets and property

B) Special part: Private Law in the digital era.

1) The digital era. Informatics and law
2) Hardware, software and algorithms
3) Networks and Internet
4) From the right to privacy to the right to the protection of personal data
5) The evolution of the concepts of "document" and "subscription"
6) Electronic payments and digital currency
7) E-commerce
8) "Internet of Thing"
9) "Cloud computing" and "edge computing"
10) "Big Data"
11) "Blockchain" and "Smart Contract"
12) Artificial intelligence and robotics
13) "Internet Service Provider"
14) Deterritorialization
15) Destatualization
16) Dematerialization
17) Contract and technique

C) Thematic deepening: The "smart contract" between legal system and computer code.

Core Documentation

Ask the Professor for English lectures.

Reference Bibliography

Ask the Professor for further lectures about specific issues.

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lessons (90%). Court's cases and business use cases (10%).


Not compulsory

Type of evaluation

The exam consists of a final oral test aimed at verifying the knowledge of the basic categories of private law and the logic underlying them, as well as the attitude of the student in applying them in the contest of the digital era. Particular attention is paid to the issue of the framing of the so-called "smart contract" in the legal system. The formulation of the final judgment takes place according to the following evaluation criteria: - Failure to pass the exam: the candidate does not demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the basic concepts. - From 18 to 21 (Sufficient level): the candidate demonstrates sufficient knowledge of the basic concepts by formalizing them in simplified language. - From 22 to 24 (Discrete level): the candidate demonstrates a good knowledge of the basic concepts by formalizing them correctly. - From 25 to 26 (Good level): the candidate demonstrates a very good knowledge of the basic concepts by formalizing them correctly and consciously. - From 27 to 29 (Very good level): the candidate demonstrates a deep knowledge of basic concepts by formalizing them in a fluid way and linking them autonomously also in the evaluation of concrete cases. - From 30 to 30 laude (Excellent level): the candidate demonstrates a very deep knowledge of the basic concepts formalizing them with language properties and linking them autonomously and critically also in the evaluation of concrete cases.