The aim of the course is to provide the analytical tools and the necessary knowledge to understand and assess the problems raised by the public intervention in the economy, as well as by the collective choices. The allocative, distributive and macroeconomic consequences of the main tools will also be analysed. Particular attention is paid to the economic analysis of taxes and at the structure of the Italian tax system.
teacher profile | teaching materials


• The evolution of the analysis of Public Finance
• Public goods
• Taxes: characteristics and classification
• The economic effects of taxes
• The economic analysis of taxes and the theory of incidence
• The main taxes in the Italian tax system

Core Documentation

1) Di Majo A., Introduzione alla Scienza delle Finanze, 2018, Edizioni Pigreco, Roma, capitoli 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 fino al par. 7.4 incluso;
2) Bosi P., Guerra M.C., I tributi nell'economia italiana il Mulino, Bologna, capitoli II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII.

Type of delivery of the course

Front lectures and online streaming for authorized students. Lectures are not recorded.

Type of evaluation

The final assessment is based on a written test lasting 1 hour. The exam is organized in three open-ended questions designed to verify the level of effective understanding of the topics covered in the course. Please note that there will always be questions regarding both the general part of the course and that related to the Italian tax system.