21210225 - Big data, pubblica amministrazione e digitalizzazione

The course examines the fundamental freedoms affected by the phenomenon of digitalisation, as well as the limits and opportunities of digitalisation for the functioning of the public administration and for the access to and use of big data in the Fin Tech and social fields (labour market, social security, health, training, etc.). The student should preliminarily be familiar with the basic legal categories of technological innovation and digitization. Therefore, it is recommended to have passed the examination Legal Foundations of Digitization.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The aim of the course is first and foremost to provide students with an overview of the main issues of public relevance in particularly advanced technological sectors that are often not yet specifically regulated.
In particular, it aims to examine from a variety of viewpoints the problems with which the public administration is increasingly having to deal in this phase of rapid technological evolution.
The aim is therefore to give an overview of the transformations induced in the public administration by the so-called digital revolution, which is bringing changes to the models on which economic and social relations are based. In this context, it will be highlighted how the public administration itself is taking up the challenge of digitalisation.
Indeed, the use of new technologies, in addition to making relations with citizens simpler, more immediate and transparent, can improve the PA's organisational, investigative and decision-making processes thanks to artificial intelligence.
In this context, it will be highlighted how public law seeks to create a regulatory framework for a rapidly evolving reality that, in any case, should see more timely interventions by national and supranational institutions.

The following topics, among others, will be addressed during the course:
Digital administration. The constitutional framework;
Legal issues of big data and digital infrastructures;
The European Digital Single Market and the EU Privacy Regulation;
Digital citizenship;
The modernisation and digitisation of the PA and the impulses of the supranational order;
Digitisation and the right to good administration;
The computerised document and computerised protocol;
Transparency and access in the age of digital administration;
Smart legal contracts in the public-private sector;
The digitisation of public contracts;
The telematic administrative process;
The legislative interventions on PA digitisation related to the implementation of the NRP;
The Digital Market Act;
Digital administrative acts and procedures.

Core Documentation

It is recommended the study of:
Il diritto dell'amministrazione pubblica digitale
Roberto Cavallo Perin (Curatore) Diana-Urania Galetta (Curatore)
Giappichelli, 2020.
Other papers may be distributed during class