21210138 - Industry, innovation and environment policy in developing countries

The course focuses on the economic logic behind policies and programs to promote industry and innovation in a developing country context. Students interested in working for multilateral organizations, government agencies, private sector firms working in emerging markets, NGOs and other organizations promoting innovation and industrial development should take this course.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 21210063 Industry and innovation policies in developing countries: theory and practice in Economia dell'ambiente e dello sviluppo LM-56 PIETROBELLI CARLO


Industrial development and innovation are the essential forces that determine growth, development and structural change. In particular, innovation plays an essential role in the developing world and its role will be increasingly important. This course will give students the tools and analytical methods to think systematically about industrial development and innovation in developing countries, and provide them with a practical understanding of these phenomena.

Part one of the course lays the theoretical foundations of industrial development, including traditional, as well as, new and unorthodox approaches, with a focus on the theory of the firm and of innovation in emerging countries.
Part two of the course explores in detail the tools and mechanisms frequently implemented in industrial and innovation policies and programs, and analyzes the approaches followed by some governments and international organizations using concrete empirical examples from policies and projects implemented.

Core Documentation

Teaching material will be made available in a dedicated dropbox folder.
Write to carlo.pietrobelli@uniroma3.it for access.

Type of delivery of the course

Discussion and active participation will be encouraged throughout the course. A typical class will involve a lecture, with the second part of the class split between follow-up discussion informed by student readings and group work and presentations to identify the problems and the policy remedies to insufficient innovation and industrial development in selected developing countries.

Type of evaluation

Due to the health emergency COVID-19, according to what established by the DR n.703 of 5.5.2020, during the summer session the exam will take place in the form of an oral interview held remotely, through audio-video conference with the use of Microsoft Teams software. It is absolutely necessary that you read the procedures prepared by the University, and activate the necessary software. http://portalestudente.uniroma3.it/accedi/area-studenti/istruzioni/esami-di-profitto/ I remember that a grade insufficient in the exam implies the exclusion from the next exam date (if, for example, you are rejected in the first exam date, you have to return to the third, skipping the second). The rationale behind this choice lies in the hypothesis that any failure in an exam cannot be filled adequately in the time span that separates two exam dates.