21210192 - Global economy and labour rights

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Fruizione: 21210062 Global economy and labour rights in Economia dell'ambiente e dello sviluppo LM-56 GIOVANNONE MARIA


Sustainable Development, Global Economy and Social Rights: why we need a linkage

1.1 The Social Clause: issues, concepts, origins and concerns

1.2 Sustainable Development and the role of International and Comparative Labour Law

1.3 International and Comparative Labour law: sources and documentations

The International Labour Organization and International Labour Standards

2.1 ILO Standard Setting and Structure

2.2 ILO Monitoring and Member Nation Compliance

2.3 The Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the Agenda on Decent Work

The European Union and Employment Law
3.1 General overview

3.2 The legislative process

3.3 The social partners competence of the EU regarding social policies

3.4 Individual employment law

3.5 Collective employment rights

International and European Trade Agreements
4.1 International Trade Agreements: the linkage between trade and social rights.

4.2 Multinational Enterprises and Codes of Conduct: The OECD Guidelines for MNEs in Perspective

4.3 The most important international Trade Agreements

4.4 The European Union internal and external action in the international trade relationships context

4.5 The European Social Clause

Conflicts of laws in employment contracts, social security systems and industrial relations
5.1 The national rules

5.2 The international and european rules

Core Documentation

Servais J.M., International Labour Law, Fifth edition, Wolters Kluwer International, 2017.
M. Giovannone, La tutela dei labour standards nella catena globale del valore, Aracne Editore, 2019.