21210236 - Game Theory


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Mutuazione: 21210236 Game Theory in Scienze Economiche LM-56 TIRELLI MARIO


Part I – Games of complete information.
1. Static games: Normal form games. Solution concepts. Nash equilibrium in pure and mixed strategies. Dominance solvable games. Applications.
2. Dynamic games: Games in extensive form. Nash equilibria. Backward induction and Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibria. Applications. Repeated games. Applications.
Part II – Games of incomplete information.
3. Static games. Normal form representation. Bayesian-Nash equilibrium. Applications.

Core Documentation

Martin J. Osborne, An Introduction to Game Theory, Oxford University Press. 2003 or later editions.

Type of delivery of the course

Class lectures, also with weakly discussions of problems and applications.

Type of evaluation

A mid term exam for students attending classes and a final exam. Both exams are written, closed books. **** COVID EMERGENCY **** In the event it were impossibile to carrying out exams in our university, we shall arange them online, via Teams. Exams will have a similar format of the ones offered in person. An institutional website (http://portalestudente.uniroma3.it/accedi/area-riservata-docenti/istruzioni-docenti/esami-di-profitto/) will provide additional information on the general procedures.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Part I – Games of complete information.
1. Static games: Normal form games. Solution concepts. Nash equilibrium in pure and mixed strategies. Dominance solvable games. Applications.
2. Dynamic games: Games in extensive form. Nash equilibria. Backward induction and Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibria. Applications. Repeated games. Applications.
Part II – Games of incomplete information.
3. Static games. Normal form representation. Bayesian-Nash equilibrium. Applications.

Core Documentation

Martin J. Osborne, An Introduction to Game Theory, Oxford University Press. 2003 or later editions.

Reference Bibliography

Additional material will be uploaded on the course website.

Type of delivery of the course

Class lectures, also with weakly discussions of problems and applications.

Type of evaluation

A mid term exam for students attending classes and a final exam. Both exams are written, closed books. **** COVID EMERGENCY **** In the event it were impossibile to carrying out exams in our university, we shall arange them online, via Teams. Exams will have a similar format of the ones offered in person. An institutional website (http://portalestudente.uniroma3.it/accedi/area-riservata-docenti/istruzioni-docenti/esami-di-profitto/) will provide additional information on the general procedures.