teacher profile | teaching materials

Core Documentation

- Emanuele Ciani and Roberto Torrini, The geography of Italian income inequality: recent trends and the role of employment, Bank of Italy-Occasional Papers, No. 492, April 2019. Available online at: https://www.bancaditalia.it/pubblicazioni/qef/2019-0492/QEF_492_19.pdf?language_id=1

- Foster J., S. Seth and M. Lokshin (2013). A Unified Approach to Measuring Poverty and Inequality: Theory and Practice. Washington, World Bank Publications (esclusi capp. 3, 5 e Appendice). Free download: https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/13731/9780821384619.pdf

- Todaro M. P. and S. C. Smith (2012). Economic development. Boston, Mass., Addison-Wesley. Solo cap. 5 (esclusi Caso Studio e Appendici). Book available in the library of "Scuola di Economia e Studi Aziendali".

- Ruggeri Laderchi C., R. Saith and F. Stewart (2003). “Does it Matter that we do not Agree on the Definition of Poverty? A Comparison of Four Approaches”, Oxford Development Studies, Vol. 31, No. 3, September. Online access to the article from the website of SBA Roma Tre.

- Eurostat (2019) People at risk of poverty or social exclusion. http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/People_at_risk_of_poverty_or_social_exclusion

- World Bank (2019), PovcalNet: Methodology, http://iresearch.worldbank.org/PovcalNet/methodology.aspx

- Roser M. (2016). Global Economic Inequality. https://ourworldindata.org/global-economic-inequality

Type of delivery of the course

The exam is oral.


Attending classes is optional. However, active and constant attendance is assessed towards the exam.