The course intends to provide the necessary tools for the design, processing and analysis of data in the managerial field. The course introduces the student to statistical methodologies for market research, for the analysis of satisfaction and for business decisions. The theoretical part will be supported by an applied part on real data and case studies from marketing and management through the use of appropriate statistical software (such as Minitab, SPSS).
Students will be taught not only the theoretical aspect of the models but also the main application contexts and their use using appropriate statistical software.
The Statistics for Management course teaches how to manage a statistical survey from its planning to the analysis and commentary of the data.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 21201420 STATISTICA PER IL MANAGEMENT in Economia dell'ambiente e dello sviluppo LM-56 VICARD PAOLA


- Recalls of basic statistics and statistical inference
- Hypothesis test on a parameter (mean, proportion, variance)
- Hypothesis test for the difference between means and proportions in the case of independent and paired samples
- independence tests
- Variance Analysis (ANOVA)
- Non-parametric tests (Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney, Kuskal-Wallis, Spearman sign tests)
- Simple and multiple linear model
- Factorial analysis
- Cluster analysis
- Logistics regression
- Elements of sampling techniques and websurvey

Core Documentation

Agresti A., Finlay B.(2015) Metodi statistici di base e avanzati, Pearson Editore
Zani S., Cerioli A. (2007) Analisi dei dati e data mining per le decisioni aziendali, Giuffrè Editore.
Notes and handout (in Italian) are available at the web page of the course.

Type of delivery of the course

The course includes 6 hours per week of classes by the lecturer; part of them are held in the computer lab.

Type of evaluation

The mode of assessment varies depending on whether or not the student does, or does not do, a group project. Students who have not passed a basic statistics exam cannot do the project. Midterm tests This Academic Year 2022/23 intermediate examinations will be held (the first after Easter and the second at the end of the course). PLEASE NOTE: The procedure based on exonerations (mid and end of course) is intended as an anticipation of the first call. Those who, having passed the first exoneration, participate (i.e. enter the classroom and answer the roll call) in the second exoneration may NOT also reappear in the first roll call itself. Examination arrangements for students participating in the exonerations The assessment consists of the following parts: 1. exoneration on the first part of the program (after Easter) 2. group project to be completed by the end of the course (specifically by the date to be communicated by the lecturer). The project is evaluated with a score from 0 to 3 points (3 points are given to projects done excellently). The project will be valid up to and including the September session. 3. Second exoneration test consisting of a short oral on the project to be held at the close of the course). Only those who have passed the first exon and handed in the project may participate in this test. The overall grade will be given by the average of the marks given to the two exonerees Examination mode for students who do the group project and do not do the exonerees. The assessment will consist of two parts: 1. classroom written test on the entire program. 2. group project to be done by the end of the course (specifically by the date to be announced by the lecturer). The project is graded from 0 to 3 points (3 points are given to projects done excellently). The project will be valid up to and including the September session. If the result of the written test is positive (18 and above), the final grade will be given by the sum of the written test grade and the project score. There is no oral test. Examination mode for students who do not do the group project. Classroom written test on the entire program. If the result of the written test is positive (18 and above) the student may directly verbalize. No oral test is scheduled. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)