21210453 - Sustainable human development

The purpose of the course is to provide students with concepts and knowledge of sustainable finance. After introducing the basics of traditional finance, they will be developed, extended, and integrated, to explain how an apparently purely financial and short-term concept is indeed strongly related to environmental and social aspects, that are long-term values. The course describes why and how serving shareholders’ interest and having success in the long run require looking after environmental, social, and governance needs. It also demonstrates that stakeholders’ and shareholders’ interests are more aligned than one can think.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Core Documentation

- Deneulin S. with Shahani L.(eds.), An Introduction to the Human Development and Capability Approach: Freedom and Agency, Earthscan, London, 2009.
The text can be downloaded for free from the website:

- United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2020. The next frontier: Human development and the Anthropocene, UNDP, New York, 2020
The text can be downloaded for free from the website:


Attendance is strongly suggested, because the course is based on learning activities through the active participation of students and ongoing assessment methods through classwork and homework. Students who cannot attend will therefore not be able to participate in these activities and will have to take the exam in the traditional way.

Type of evaluation

For non-attending students, the assessment consists in a written test: 10 questions with open and short answers, in two hours. For attending students, there will be a formative assessment, through classwork and homework assigned during the course.