21210455 - Economics and environmental policies

The course is divided into two parts. The first part aims to provide the conceptual and theoretical basis for understanding the main topics of environmental economics from the perspective of analyzing the interaction between human activities and the environment and its consequences. Topics such as environmental valuation methods, environmental externalities and the management of public goods will be addressed, providing students with skills in the tools of economic theory used to address these issues, such as command and control and market-based environmental policies. Both static and dynamic environmental sustainability issues will also be addressed. The second part, on the other hand, will focus on specific thematic areas of environmental economics relevant for the application of the tools addressed in the first part of the course: the thematic areas will be discussed in depth with the students during the lectures, recalling the aspects of the first part of the course useful for a more correct analysis of the issues in question. Practical exercises concerning each thematic area will also be proposed during lectures.
teacher profile | teaching materials


General teaching programme:
Part One: Introduction to Environmental Economics
1. Property rights, externalities and environmental problems
2. Benefit-cost analysis
3. Environmental assessment methods
4. Dynamic efficiency and sustainable development
5. Allocation of exhaustible resources
6. Common resources: the "tragedy of the commons"
7. Environmental policies
8. Environmental justice

Part Two: Thematic Areas
1. Trade and the environment
2. Circular Economy
3. Ecosystem services
4. Land use and forests
5. Biodiversity
6. Water resources management
7. Climate change
8. Natural disasters

Core Documentation

Tietenberg, T., & Lewis, L. (2018). Environmental and natural resource economics. Routledge.

Reference Bibliography

Further in-depth materials will be available for students on the Moodle platform.

Type of delivery of the course

Standard lectures (6 hours per week). Standard class is organised in person. In the case of restrictions to standard lectures due to COVID-19, online teaching activities will be organised on Teams. All teaching material and instructions for teaching activities are available on the Moodle page of the course.


Suggested but not compulsory

Type of evaluation

The course assessment will be based on one small dissertation that the students will write and present after the end of the course. A final written exam for non attending students. In the case of restrictions to standard teaching activities due to COVID-19, procedures will be updated according to the University rules.