21210461 - Labour and welfare law in technological change

teacher profile | teaching materials


1. the role of law, collective autonomy, the public and private welfare system and active labour policies in the construction of new generation protections for workers in transitional labour markets and in the effective regulation of new forms and methods of integration of work into the company
2. the labour law profiles of the ecological and digital transition, the employment and labour impacts of the phenomena of production decentralization, relocation, transformation, company and production reorganization and the labour law implications of contractual integration - vertical and horizontal - between companies
3. the foundations and characteristics of the public and private welfare system and its current and potential interrelations with the system of active labour market policies
4. the functioning of the labour market and the role of public and private employment services in the multilevel order and lifelong learning for the optimization of matchmaking between labour supply and demand and the reduction of skill mismatch
5. policies and regulatory techniques for the inclusion of vulnerable people in the labour market and for the reduction of gender inequalities in the labour market.

Type of delivery of the course

The individual topics are treated with introductory and in-depth lessons, discussion of teaching materials and readings indicated by the teacher, seminar lessons with guests and experts of the topics covered, group work.

Type of evaluation

The exam will take place orally. For attending students the test will consist in the discussion of group work. Intermediate tests are scheduled at the end of each thematic area covered. For non-attending students, the study materials related to each thematic area of the Course will be indicated.