The course focuses on the economic logic behind policies and programs to promote industry and innovation in a developing country context. Students interested in working for multilateral organizations, government agencies, private sector firms working in emerging markets, NGOs and other organizations promoting innovation and industrial development should take this course.
teacher profile teaching materials
Part one of the course lays the theoretical foundations of industrial development, including traditional, as well as, new and unorthodox approaches, with a focus on the theory of the firm and of innovation in emerging countries.
Part two of the course explores in detail the tools and mechanisms frequently implemented in industrial and innovation policies and programs, and analyzes the approaches followed by some governments and international organizations using concrete empirical examples from policies and projects implemented.
Szirmai A. (2015) Socio-Economic Development: Cambridge University Press, 2nd Ed.., chapters 8 and 9.
Crespi G., Fernandez-Arias E. and Stein E. (Eds.), 2014, Rethinking Productive Development: Sound Policies and Institutions for Productive Transformation, Development in the Americas, London: Palgrave for Inter-American Development Bank. Chapters 1, 2 and 3.
Cirera X. and Maloney W.F., 2017, The Innovation Paradox: Developing Country Capabilities and the Unrealized Promise of Technological Catch-Up, Washington DC: The World Bank, chapters 1, 2, and 4.
1. Bell M.R. and Pavitt K., 1993, ‘Technological Accumulation and Industrial Growth: Contrasts between Developed and Developing Countries’, Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol.2 No.2.
2. Casaburi G., Maffioli A., Pietrobelli C., 2014, Policies to Promote Coordination among Interlinked Firms, in Crespi et al., Rethinking Industrial Policy: Sound Policies and Institutions for Productive Transformation, Palgrave, chapter 7.
3. Fagerberg J., 2006, “Innovation. A Guide to the Literature”, in J.Fagerberg and D.Mowery (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
4. Gereffi G., Humphrey J., Sturgeon T., 2005, “The governance of global value chains”, Review of International Political Economy, 12:1, 78-104.
5. Giuliani E., Pietrobelli C. and Rabellotti R. (2005) “Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Lessons from Latin American Clusters”, World Development, Vol.33(4), pp. 549–73.
6. Hallward-Driemeier, M. and Pritchett L., 2015. "How Business Is Done in the Developing World: Deals versus Rules." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29(3): 121-40.
7. Hausmann R. and Rodrik D. (2006) “Doomed to Choose: Industrial Policy as a Predicament”, Harvard Kennedy School Working Paper.
8. Hausmann R. and Rodrik D., (2003), “Economic Development as Self Discovery,” Journal of Development Economics, Vol.72, Issue 2, pages 603-33, December (also NBER Working Paper No. 8952).
9. Lall S. and Pietrobelli C., 2005, “National Technology Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa”, International Journal of Technology and Globalization, KSG, Harvard, Vol.1 No.3-4, 2005.
10. Lall S., 1992, "Technological Capabilities and Industrialization", World Development, Vol.20 No.2
11. Lin J. and Chang H.J., 2009, “Should Industrial Policy in Developing Countries Conform to Comparative Advantage or Defy it? A Debate Between Justin Lin and Ha-Joon Chang”, Development Policy Review, 2009, 27 (5): 483-502
12. Lundvall B‐Å. (2007) “National Innovation Systems—Analytical Concept and Development Tool”, Industry and Innovation, 14:1, 95-119, DOI: 10.1080/13662710601130863
13. Maffioli A., Pietrobelli C. and Stucchi R., 2016, The Impact Evaluation of Cluster Development Programs, Washington D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank, Chapter 1.
14. McMillan, M., Rodrik, D., Verduzco-Gallo, I., 2014, “Globalization, Structural Change, and Productivity Growth, with an Update on Africa”. World Development 63: 11-32, doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.10.012
15. Nelson R.R., 2008, “Economic Development from the Perspective of Evolutionary Theory”, Oxford Development Studies Vo.36 No.1 March, pp.9-22
16. Pietrobelli C., 1997, ‘On the Theory of Technological Capabilities and Developing Countries’ Dynamic Comparative Advantage in Manufactures’, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, Vol.XLIV, No. 2, June.
17. Pietrobelli, C. & Staritz, C., 2017, “Upgrading, Interactive Learning, and Innovation Systems in Value Chain Interventions”, European Journal of Development Research,
18. Rodrik D., 2013, “Unconditional Convergence in Manufacturing”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, pp.165-204, doi:10.1093/qje/qjs047
Chatterji A., Glaeser E.L., Kerr W.K., 2013, “Clusters of Entrepreneurship and Innovation”, NBER Working Paper 19013
EIU, “Innovation Clusters: Understanding life cycles”, The Economist Intelligence Unit, London
Fernández-Arias E., Sabel C., Stein E., Trejos A., 2017, “Two to Tango: Public-Private Collaboration for Productive Development Policies”, IDB Working Paper IDB-WP-855, Washington D.C.: The Inter-American Development Bank.
Fu X., Pietrobelli C., Soete L., 2011, “The Role of Foreign Technology and Indigenous Innovation in the Emerging Economies: Technological Change and Catching-up”, World Development Vol. 39, No. 7, pp. 1204–1212
Humphrey J. and Schmitz H. (2002) “How does insertion in global value chains affect upgrading industrial clusters?”, Regional Studies, Vol. 36, No.9.
Podcast on Structural Change, Interview to Dani Rodrik, IMF Podcast,
Schmitz H. and Nadvi K., (1999). "Clustering and Industrialization: Introduction”, World Development, Vol. 27, No.9., pp. 1503-14.
Szirmai A., 2011, “Manufacturing and Economic Development”, UNU-WIDER Working Paper No. 2011/75, November,
Industrial development and innovation are the essential forces that determine growth, development and structural change. In particular, innovation plays an essential role in the developing world and its role will be increasingly important. This course will give students the tools and analytical methods to think systematically about industrial development and innovation in developing countries, and provide them with a practical understanding of these phenomena.Part one of the course lays the theoretical foundations of industrial development, including traditional, as well as, new and unorthodox approaches, with a focus on the theory of the firm and of innovation in emerging countries.
Part two of the course explores in detail the tools and mechanisms frequently implemented in industrial and innovation policies and programs, and analyzes the approaches followed by some governments and international organizations using concrete empirical examples from policies and projects implemented.
Core Documentation
Selected Chapters from:Szirmai A. (2015) Socio-Economic Development: Cambridge University Press, 2nd Ed.., chapters 8 and 9.
Crespi G., Fernandez-Arias E. and Stein E. (Eds.), 2014, Rethinking Productive Development: Sound Policies and Institutions for Productive Transformation, Development in the Americas, London: Palgrave for Inter-American Development Bank. Chapters 1, 2 and 3.
Cirera X. and Maloney W.F., 2017, The Innovation Paradox: Developing Country Capabilities and the Unrealized Promise of Technological Catch-Up, Washington DC: The World Bank, chapters 1, 2, and 4.
1. Bell M.R. and Pavitt K., 1993, ‘Technological Accumulation and Industrial Growth: Contrasts between Developed and Developing Countries’, Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol.2 No.2.
2. Casaburi G., Maffioli A., Pietrobelli C., 2014, Policies to Promote Coordination among Interlinked Firms, in Crespi et al., Rethinking Industrial Policy: Sound Policies and Institutions for Productive Transformation, Palgrave, chapter 7.
3. Fagerberg J., 2006, “Innovation. A Guide to the Literature”, in J.Fagerberg and D.Mowery (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
4. Gereffi G., Humphrey J., Sturgeon T., 2005, “The governance of global value chains”, Review of International Political Economy, 12:1, 78-104.
5. Giuliani E., Pietrobelli C. and Rabellotti R. (2005) “Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Lessons from Latin American Clusters”, World Development, Vol.33(4), pp. 549–73.
6. Hallward-Driemeier, M. and Pritchett L., 2015. "How Business Is Done in the Developing World: Deals versus Rules." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29(3): 121-40.
7. Hausmann R. and Rodrik D. (2006) “Doomed to Choose: Industrial Policy as a Predicament”, Harvard Kennedy School Working Paper.
8. Hausmann R. and Rodrik D., (2003), “Economic Development as Self Discovery,” Journal of Development Economics, Vol.72, Issue 2, pages 603-33, December (also NBER Working Paper No. 8952).
9. Lall S. and Pietrobelli C., 2005, “National Technology Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa”, International Journal of Technology and Globalization, KSG, Harvard, Vol.1 No.3-4, 2005.
10. Lall S., 1992, "Technological Capabilities and Industrialization", World Development, Vol.20 No.2
11. Lin J. and Chang H.J., 2009, “Should Industrial Policy in Developing Countries Conform to Comparative Advantage or Defy it? A Debate Between Justin Lin and Ha-Joon Chang”, Development Policy Review, 2009, 27 (5): 483-502
12. Lundvall B‐Å. (2007) “National Innovation Systems—Analytical Concept and Development Tool”, Industry and Innovation, 14:1, 95-119, DOI: 10.1080/13662710601130863
13. Maffioli A., Pietrobelli C. and Stucchi R., 2016, The Impact Evaluation of Cluster Development Programs, Washington D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank, Chapter 1.
14. McMillan, M., Rodrik, D., Verduzco-Gallo, I., 2014, “Globalization, Structural Change, and Productivity Growth, with an Update on Africa”. World Development 63: 11-32, doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.10.012
15. Nelson R.R., 2008, “Economic Development from the Perspective of Evolutionary Theory”, Oxford Development Studies Vo.36 No.1 March, pp.9-22
16. Pietrobelli C., 1997, ‘On the Theory of Technological Capabilities and Developing Countries’ Dynamic Comparative Advantage in Manufactures’, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, Vol.XLIV, No. 2, June.
17. Pietrobelli, C. & Staritz, C., 2017, “Upgrading, Interactive Learning, and Innovation Systems in Value Chain Interventions”, European Journal of Development Research,
18. Rodrik D., 2013, “Unconditional Convergence in Manufacturing”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, pp.165-204, doi:10.1093/qje/qjs047
Chatterji A., Glaeser E.L., Kerr W.K., 2013, “Clusters of Entrepreneurship and Innovation”, NBER Working Paper 19013
EIU, “Innovation Clusters: Understanding life cycles”, The Economist Intelligence Unit, London
Fernández-Arias E., Sabel C., Stein E., Trejos A., 2017, “Two to Tango: Public-Private Collaboration for Productive Development Policies”, IDB Working Paper IDB-WP-855, Washington D.C.: The Inter-American Development Bank.
Fu X., Pietrobelli C., Soete L., 2011, “The Role of Foreign Technology and Indigenous Innovation in the Emerging Economies: Technological Change and Catching-up”, World Development Vol. 39, No. 7, pp. 1204–1212
Humphrey J. and Schmitz H. (2002) “How does insertion in global value chains affect upgrading industrial clusters?”, Regional Studies, Vol. 36, No.9.
Podcast on Structural Change, Interview to Dani Rodrik, IMF Podcast,
Schmitz H. and Nadvi K., (1999). "Clustering and Industrialization: Introduction”, World Development, Vol. 27, No.9., pp. 1503-14.
Szirmai A., 2011, “Manufacturing and Economic Development”, UNU-WIDER Working Paper No. 2011/75, November,
Reference Bibliography
Compulsory Readings Selected Chapters from: Szirmai A. (2015) Socio-Economic Development: Cambridge University Press, 2nd Ed.., chapters 8 and 9. Crespi G., Fernandez-Arias E. and Stein E. (Eds.), 2014, Rethinking Productive Development: Sound Policies and Institutions for Productive Transformation, Development in the Americas, London: Palgrave for Inter-American Development Bank. Chapters 1, 2 and 3. Cirera X. and Maloney W.F., 2017, The Innovation Paradox: Developing Country Capabilities and the Unrealized Promise of Technological Catch-Up, Washington DC: The World Bank, chapters 1, 2, and 4. Articles: 1. Bell M.R. and Pavitt K., 1993, ‘Technological Accumulation and Industrial Growth : Contrasts between Developed and Developing Countries’, Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol.2 No.2. 2. Casaburi G., Maffioli A., Pietrobelli C., 2014, Policies to Promote Coordination among Interlinked Firms, in Crespi et al., Rethinking Industrial Policy: Sound Policies and Institutions for Productive Transformation, Palgrave, chapter 7. 3. Fagerberg J., 2006, “Innovation. A Guide to the Literature”, in J.Fagerberg and D.Mowery (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 4. Gereffi G., Humphrey J., Sturgeon T., 2005, “The governance of global value chains”, Review of International Political Economy, 12:1, 78-104. 5. Giuliani E., Pietrobelli C. and Rabellotti R. (2005) “Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Lessons from Latin American Clusters”, World Development, Vol.33(4), pp. 549–73. 6. Hallward-Driemeier, Mary, and Lant Pritchett. 2015. "How Business Is Done in the Developing World: Deals versus Rules." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29(3): 121-40. 7. Hausmann R. and Rodrik D., (2003), “Economic Development as Self Discovery,” Journal of Development Economics, Vol.72, Issue 2, pages 603-33, December (also NBER Working Paper No. 8952). 8. Lall S., 1992, "Technological Capabilities and Industrialization", World Development, Vol.20 No.2 9. Lundvall B‐Å. (2007) “National Innovation Systems—Analytical Concept and Development Tool”, Industry and Innovation, 14:1, 95-119, DOI: 10.1080/13662710601130863 10. Maffioli A., Pietrobelli C. and Stucchi R., 2016, The Impact Evaluation of Cluster Development Programs, Washington D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank, Chapter 1. 11. McMillan, M., Rodrik, D., Verduzco-Gallo, I., 2014, “Globalization, Structural Change, and Productivity Growth, with an Update on Africa”. World Development 63: 11-32, doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.10.012 12. Nelson R.R., 2008, “Economic Development from the Perspective of Evolutionary Theory”, Oxford Development Studies Vo.36 No.1 March, pp.9-22 13. Pietrobelli, C. & Staritz, C., 2017, “Upgrading, Interactive Learning, and Innovation Systems in Value Chain Interventions”, European Journal of Development Research, Additional (Optional) Readings Chatterji A., Glaeser E.L., Kerr W.K., 2013, “Clusters of Entrepreneurship and Innovation”, NBER Working Paper 19013 EIU, “Innovation Clusters: Understanding life cycles”, The Economist Intelligence Unit, London Fernández-Arias E., Sabel C., Stein E., Trejos A., 2017, “Two to Tango: Public-Private Collaboration for Productive Development Policies”, IDB Working Paper IDB-WP-855, Washington D.C.: The Inter-American Development Bank. Fu X., Pietrobelli C., Soete L., 2011, “The Role of Foreign Technology and Indigenous Innovation in the Emerging Economies: Technological Change and Catching-up”, World Development Vol. 39, No. 7, pp. 1204–1212 Hausmann R. and Rodrik D. (2006) “Doomed to Choose: Industrial Policy as a Predicament”, Harvard Kennedy School Working Paper. Humphrey J. and Schmitz H. (2002) “How does insertion in global value chains affect upgrading industrial clusters?”, Regional Studies, Vol. 36, No.9. Lall S. and Pietrobelli C., 2005, “National Technology Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa”, International Journal of Technology and Globalization, KSG, Harvard, Vol.1 No.3-4, 2005. Lin J. and Chang H.J., 2009, “Should Industrial Policy in Developing Countries Conform to Comparative Advantage or Defy it? A Debate Between Justin Lin and Ha-Joon Chang”, Development Policy Review, 2009, 27 (5): 483-502 Pietrobelli C., 1997, ‘On the Theory of Technological Capabilities and Developing Countries’ Dynamic Comparative Advantage in Manufactures’, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, Vol.XLIV, No. 2, June. Podcast on Structural Change, Interview to Dani Rodrik, IMF Podcast, Rodrik D., 2013, “Unconditional Convergence in Manufacturing”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, pp.165-204, doi:10.1093/qje/qjs047 Schmitz H. and Nadvi K., (1999). "Clustering and Industrialization: Introduction”, World Development, Vol. 27, No.9., pp. 1503-14. Szirmai A., 2011, “Manufacturing and Economic Development”, UNU-WIDER Working Paper No. 2011/75, November, of delivery of the course
Discussion and active participation will be encouraged throughout the course. A typical class will involve a lecture, with the second part of the class split between follow-up discussion informed by student readings and group work and presentations to identify the problems and the policy remedies to insufficient innovation and industrial development in selected developing countries.Attendance
Class attendance is strongly recommendedType of evaluation
The course assessment will be based on an online assessment of economic theories after about two months and two projects that the students will write and present during the second part of the course. The first project will include an assessment of the development of innovation or industry in a selected developing country, the second project will be a proposal of a development project to address the problems identified in the first project. Both will be presented and discussed in class in front of a panel of advisors (the class itself), that will have to critically ask questions and discuss, simulating the debate that would occur with a developing country's Government. teacher profile teaching materials
Part one of the course lays the theoretical foundations of industrial development, including traditional, as well as, new and unorthodox approaches, with a focus on the theory of the firm and of innovation in emerging countries.
Part two of the course explores in detail the tools and mechanisms frequently implemented in industrial and innovation policies and programs, and analyzes the approaches followed by some governments and international organizations using concrete empirical examples from policies and projects implemented.
Szirmai A. (2015) Socio-Economic Development: Cambridge University Press, 2nd Ed.., chapters 8 and 9.
Crespi G., Fernandez-Arias E. and Stein E. (Eds.), 2014, Rethinking Productive Development: Sound Policies and Institutions for Productive Transformation, Development in the Americas, London: Palgrave for Inter-American Development Bank. Chapters 1, 2 and 3.
Cirera X. and Maloney W.F., 2017, The Innovation Paradox: Developing Country Capabilities and the Unrealized Promise of Technological Catch-Up, Washington DC: The World Bank, chapters 1, 2, and 4.
1. Bell M.R. and Pavitt K., 1993, ‘Technological Accumulation and Industrial Growth: Contrasts between Developed and Developing Countries’, Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol.2 No.2.
2. Casaburi G., Maffioli A., Pietrobelli C., 2014, Policies to Promote Coordination among Interlinked Firms, in Crespi et al., Rethinking Industrial Policy: Sound Policies and Institutions for Productive Transformation, Palgrave, chapter 7.
3. Fagerberg J., 2006, “Innovation. A Guide to the Literature”, in J.Fagerberg and D.Mowery (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
4. Gereffi G., Humphrey J., Sturgeon T., 2005, “The governance of global value chains”, Review of International Political Economy, 12:1, 78-104.
5. Giuliani E., Pietrobelli C. and Rabellotti R. (2005) “Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Lessons from Latin American Clusters”, World Development, Vol.33(4), pp. 549–73.
6. Hallward-Driemeier, M. and Pritchett L., 2015. "How Business Is Done in the Developing World: Deals versus Rules." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29(3): 121-40.
7. Hausmann R. and Rodrik D. (2006) “Doomed to Choose: Industrial Policy as a Predicament”, Harvard Kennedy School Working Paper.
8. Hausmann R. and Rodrik D., (2003), “Economic Development as Self Discovery,” Journal of Development Economics, Vol.72, Issue 2, pages 603-33, December (also NBER Working Paper No. 8952).
9. Lall S. and Pietrobelli C., 2005, “National Technology Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa”, International Journal of Technology and Globalization, KSG, Harvard, Vol.1 No.3-4, 2005.
10. Lall S., 1992, "Technological Capabilities and Industrialization", World Development, Vol.20 No.2
11. Lin J. and Chang H.J., 2009, “Should Industrial Policy in Developing Countries Conform to Comparative Advantage or Defy it? A Debate Between Justin Lin and Ha-Joon Chang”, Development Policy Review, 2009, 27 (5): 483-502
12. Lundvall B‐Å. (2007) “National Innovation Systems—Analytical Concept and Development Tool”, Industry and Innovation, 14:1, 95-119, DOI: 10.1080/13662710601130863
13. Maffioli A., Pietrobelli C. and Stucchi R., 2016, The Impact Evaluation of Cluster Development Programs, Washington D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank, Chapter 1.
14. McMillan, M., Rodrik, D., Verduzco-Gallo, I., 2014, “Globalization, Structural Change, and Productivity Growth, with an Update on Africa”. World Development 63: 11-32, doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.10.012
15. Nelson R.R., 2008, “Economic Development from the Perspective of Evolutionary Theory”, Oxford Development Studies Vo.36 No.1 March, pp.9-22
16. Pietrobelli C., 1997, ‘On the Theory of Technological Capabilities and Developing Countries’ Dynamic Comparative Advantage in Manufactures’, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, Vol.XLIV, No. 2, June.
17. Pietrobelli, C. & Staritz, C., 2017, “Upgrading, Interactive Learning, and Innovation Systems in Value Chain Interventions”, European Journal of Development Research,
18. Rodrik D., 2013, “Unconditional Convergence in Manufacturing”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, pp.165-204, doi:10.1093/qje/qjs047
Chatterji A., Glaeser E.L., Kerr W.K., 2013, “Clusters of Entrepreneurship and Innovation”, NBER Working Paper 19013
EIU, “Innovation Clusters: Understanding life cycles”, The Economist Intelligence Unit, London
Fernández-Arias E., Sabel C., Stein E., Trejos A., 2017, “Two to Tango: Public-Private Collaboration for Productive Development Policies”, IDB Working Paper IDB-WP-855, Washington D.C.: The Inter-American Development Bank.
Fu X., Pietrobelli C., Soete L., 2011, “The Role of Foreign Technology and Indigenous Innovation in the Emerging Economies: Technological Change and Catching-up”, World Development Vol. 39, No. 7, pp. 1204–1212
Humphrey J. and Schmitz H. (2002) “How does insertion in global value chains affect upgrading industrial clusters?”, Regional Studies, Vol. 36, No.9.
Podcast on Structural Change, Interview to Dani Rodrik, IMF Podcast,
Schmitz H. and Nadvi K., (1999). "Clustering and Industrialization: Introduction”, World Development, Vol. 27, No.9., pp. 1503-14.
Szirmai A., 2011, “Manufacturing and Economic Development”, UNU-WIDER Working Paper No. 2011/75, November,
Industrial development and innovation are the essential forces that determine growth, development and structural change. In particular, innovation plays an essential role in the developing world and its role will be increasingly important. This course will give students the tools and analytical methods to think systematically about industrial development and innovation in developing countries, and provide them with a practical understanding of these phenomena.Part one of the course lays the theoretical foundations of industrial development, including traditional, as well as, new and unorthodox approaches, with a focus on the theory of the firm and of innovation in emerging countries.
Part two of the course explores in detail the tools and mechanisms frequently implemented in industrial and innovation policies and programs, and analyzes the approaches followed by some governments and international organizations using concrete empirical examples from policies and projects implemented.
Core Documentation
Selected Chapters from:Szirmai A. (2015) Socio-Economic Development: Cambridge University Press, 2nd Ed.., chapters 8 and 9.
Crespi G., Fernandez-Arias E. and Stein E. (Eds.), 2014, Rethinking Productive Development: Sound Policies and Institutions for Productive Transformation, Development in the Americas, London: Palgrave for Inter-American Development Bank. Chapters 1, 2 and 3.
Cirera X. and Maloney W.F., 2017, The Innovation Paradox: Developing Country Capabilities and the Unrealized Promise of Technological Catch-Up, Washington DC: The World Bank, chapters 1, 2, and 4.
1. Bell M.R. and Pavitt K., 1993, ‘Technological Accumulation and Industrial Growth: Contrasts between Developed and Developing Countries’, Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol.2 No.2.
2. Casaburi G., Maffioli A., Pietrobelli C., 2014, Policies to Promote Coordination among Interlinked Firms, in Crespi et al., Rethinking Industrial Policy: Sound Policies and Institutions for Productive Transformation, Palgrave, chapter 7.
3. Fagerberg J., 2006, “Innovation. A Guide to the Literature”, in J.Fagerberg and D.Mowery (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
4. Gereffi G., Humphrey J., Sturgeon T., 2005, “The governance of global value chains”, Review of International Political Economy, 12:1, 78-104.
5. Giuliani E., Pietrobelli C. and Rabellotti R. (2005) “Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Lessons from Latin American Clusters”, World Development, Vol.33(4), pp. 549–73.
6. Hallward-Driemeier, M. and Pritchett L., 2015. "How Business Is Done in the Developing World: Deals versus Rules." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29(3): 121-40.
7. Hausmann R. and Rodrik D. (2006) “Doomed to Choose: Industrial Policy as a Predicament”, Harvard Kennedy School Working Paper.
8. Hausmann R. and Rodrik D., (2003), “Economic Development as Self Discovery,” Journal of Development Economics, Vol.72, Issue 2, pages 603-33, December (also NBER Working Paper No. 8952).
9. Lall S. and Pietrobelli C., 2005, “National Technology Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa”, International Journal of Technology and Globalization, KSG, Harvard, Vol.1 No.3-4, 2005.
10. Lall S., 1992, "Technological Capabilities and Industrialization", World Development, Vol.20 No.2
11. Lin J. and Chang H.J., 2009, “Should Industrial Policy in Developing Countries Conform to Comparative Advantage or Defy it? A Debate Between Justin Lin and Ha-Joon Chang”, Development Policy Review, 2009, 27 (5): 483-502
12. Lundvall B‐Å. (2007) “National Innovation Systems—Analytical Concept and Development Tool”, Industry and Innovation, 14:1, 95-119, DOI: 10.1080/13662710601130863
13. Maffioli A., Pietrobelli C. and Stucchi R., 2016, The Impact Evaluation of Cluster Development Programs, Washington D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank, Chapter 1.
14. McMillan, M., Rodrik, D., Verduzco-Gallo, I., 2014, “Globalization, Structural Change, and Productivity Growth, with an Update on Africa”. World Development 63: 11-32, doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.10.012
15. Nelson R.R., 2008, “Economic Development from the Perspective of Evolutionary Theory”, Oxford Development Studies Vo.36 No.1 March, pp.9-22
16. Pietrobelli C., 1997, ‘On the Theory of Technological Capabilities and Developing Countries’ Dynamic Comparative Advantage in Manufactures’, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, Vol.XLIV, No. 2, June.
17. Pietrobelli, C. & Staritz, C., 2017, “Upgrading, Interactive Learning, and Innovation Systems in Value Chain Interventions”, European Journal of Development Research,
18. Rodrik D., 2013, “Unconditional Convergence in Manufacturing”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, pp.165-204, doi:10.1093/qje/qjs047
Chatterji A., Glaeser E.L., Kerr W.K., 2013, “Clusters of Entrepreneurship and Innovation”, NBER Working Paper 19013
EIU, “Innovation Clusters: Understanding life cycles”, The Economist Intelligence Unit, London
Fernández-Arias E., Sabel C., Stein E., Trejos A., 2017, “Two to Tango: Public-Private Collaboration for Productive Development Policies”, IDB Working Paper IDB-WP-855, Washington D.C.: The Inter-American Development Bank.
Fu X., Pietrobelli C., Soete L., 2011, “The Role of Foreign Technology and Indigenous Innovation in the Emerging Economies: Technological Change and Catching-up”, World Development Vol. 39, No. 7, pp. 1204–1212
Humphrey J. and Schmitz H. (2002) “How does insertion in global value chains affect upgrading industrial clusters?”, Regional Studies, Vol. 36, No.9.
Podcast on Structural Change, Interview to Dani Rodrik, IMF Podcast,
Schmitz H. and Nadvi K., (1999). "Clustering and Industrialization: Introduction”, World Development, Vol. 27, No.9., pp. 1503-14.
Szirmai A., 2011, “Manufacturing and Economic Development”, UNU-WIDER Working Paper No. 2011/75, November,
Reference Bibliography
Compulsory Readings Selected Chapters from: Szirmai A. (2015) Socio-Economic Development: Cambridge University Press, 2nd Ed.., chapters 8 and 9. Crespi G., Fernandez-Arias E. and Stein E. (Eds.), 2014, Rethinking Productive Development: Sound Policies and Institutions for Productive Transformation, Development in the Americas, London: Palgrave for Inter-American Development Bank. Chapters 1, 2 and 3. Cirera X. and Maloney W.F., 2017, The Innovation Paradox: Developing Country Capabilities and the Unrealized Promise of Technological Catch-Up, Washington DC: The World Bank, chapters 1, 2, and 4. Articles: 1. Bell M.R. and Pavitt K., 1993, ‘Technological Accumulation and Industrial Growth : Contrasts between Developed and Developing Countries’, Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol.2 No.2. 2. Casaburi G., Maffioli A., Pietrobelli C., 2014, Policies to Promote Coordination among Interlinked Firms, in Crespi et al., Rethinking Industrial Policy: Sound Policies and Institutions for Productive Transformation, Palgrave, chapter 7. 3. Fagerberg J., 2006, “Innovation. A Guide to the Literature”, in J.Fagerberg and D.Mowery (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 4. Gereffi G., Humphrey J., Sturgeon T., 2005, “The governance of global value chains”, Review of International Political Economy, 12:1, 78-104. 5. Giuliani E., Pietrobelli C. and Rabellotti R. (2005) “Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Lessons from Latin American Clusters”, World Development, Vol.33(4), pp. 549–73. 6. Hallward-Driemeier, Mary, and Lant Pritchett. 2015. "How Business Is Done in the Developing World: Deals versus Rules." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29(3): 121-40. 7. Hausmann R. and Rodrik D., (2003), “Economic Development as Self Discovery,” Journal of Development Economics, Vol.72, Issue 2, pages 603-33, December (also NBER Working Paper No. 8952). 8. Lall S., 1992, "Technological Capabilities and Industrialization", World Development, Vol.20 No.2 9. Lundvall B‐Å. (2007) “National Innovation Systems—Analytical Concept and Development Tool”, Industry and Innovation, 14:1, 95-119, DOI: 10.1080/13662710601130863 10. Maffioli A., Pietrobelli C. and Stucchi R., 2016, The Impact Evaluation of Cluster Development Programs, Washington D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank, Chapter 1. 11. McMillan, M., Rodrik, D., Verduzco-Gallo, I., 2014, “Globalization, Structural Change, and Productivity Growth, with an Update on Africa”. World Development 63: 11-32, doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.10.012 12. Nelson R.R., 2008, “Economic Development from the Perspective of Evolutionary Theory”, Oxford Development Studies Vo.36 No.1 March, pp.9-22 13. Pietrobelli, C. & Staritz, C., 2017, “Upgrading, Interactive Learning, and Innovation Systems in Value Chain Interventions”, European Journal of Development Research, Additional (Optional) Readings Chatterji A., Glaeser E.L., Kerr W.K., 2013, “Clusters of Entrepreneurship and Innovation”, NBER Working Paper 19013 EIU, “Innovation Clusters: Understanding life cycles”, The Economist Intelligence Unit, London Fernández-Arias E., Sabel C., Stein E., Trejos A., 2017, “Two to Tango: Public-Private Collaboration for Productive Development Policies”, IDB Working Paper IDB-WP-855, Washington D.C.: The Inter-American Development Bank. Fu X., Pietrobelli C., Soete L., 2011, “The Role of Foreign Technology and Indigenous Innovation in the Emerging Economies: Technological Change and Catching-up”, World Development Vol. 39, No. 7, pp. 1204–1212 Hausmann R. and Rodrik D. (2006) “Doomed to Choose: Industrial Policy as a Predicament”, Harvard Kennedy School Working Paper. Humphrey J. and Schmitz H. (2002) “How does insertion in global value chains affect upgrading industrial clusters?”, Regional Studies, Vol. 36, No.9. Lall S. and Pietrobelli C., 2005, “National Technology Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa”, International Journal of Technology and Globalization, KSG, Harvard, Vol.1 No.3-4, 2005. Lin J. and Chang H.J., 2009, “Should Industrial Policy in Developing Countries Conform to Comparative Advantage or Defy it? A Debate Between Justin Lin and Ha-Joon Chang”, Development Policy Review, 2009, 27 (5): 483-502 Pietrobelli C., 1997, ‘On the Theory of Technological Capabilities and Developing Countries’ Dynamic Comparative Advantage in Manufactures’, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, Vol.XLIV, No. 2, June. Podcast on Structural Change, Interview to Dani Rodrik, IMF Podcast, Rodrik D., 2013, “Unconditional Convergence in Manufacturing”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, pp.165-204, doi:10.1093/qje/qjs047 Schmitz H. and Nadvi K., (1999). "Clustering and Industrialization: Introduction”, World Development, Vol. 27, No.9., pp. 1503-14. Szirmai A., 2011, “Manufacturing and Economic Development”, UNU-WIDER Working Paper No. 2011/75, November, of delivery of the course
Discussion and active participation will be encouraged throughout the course. A typical class will involve a lecture, with the second part of the class split between follow-up discussion informed by student readings and group work and presentations to identify the problems and the policy remedies to insufficient innovation and industrial development in selected developing countries.Attendance
Class attendance is strongly recommendedType of evaluation
The course assessment will be based on an online assessment of economic theories after about two months and two projects that the students will write and present during the second part of the course. The first project will include an assessment of the development of innovation or industry in a selected developing country, the second project will be a proposal of a development project to address the problems identified in the first project. Both will be presented and discussed in class in front of a panel of advisors (the class itself), that will have to critically ask questions and discuss, simulating the debate that would occur with a developing country's Government.