Teaching Stories and Cultures of Theatrical Spaces belongs to the set of educational activities that characterise the “Theatre” curriculum of the Degree course in Disciplines of the Arts, Music and Performance. The obligatory starting point of the course is the definition of its object of study and the recognition of different types of sources and documents on which it is based.
The course purpose is to introduce the study of theatre in the history, prioritising the analysis of cultural processes leading each civilisation to build specific places, designed in certain ages for the institution/monument theatre and in others for the representative forms. The morphology of these places was strictly conjoined with the society, historical period and geography in which it was born.
The lessons aim to achieve the following educational objectives:
1) to enhance the knowledge of some of the historiographic knots linked to the concept of space in theatre: architecture, scenography, the relationship between actors and spectators, the different levels of the dramaturgy;
2) to stimulate students’ critical and interpretative skills by providing them with tools and sources of analysis of different nature and origin;
3) contextualise the study of theatre, in the frame of the specific and historical changes undergone by civilisations throughout time.

teacher profile | teaching materials


What is the space of theatre?
The course focuses on the dual concept of theatre space and performance space by outlining a historical overview of the issue with examples across time and geography, new developments and connecting links. The analysis will concentrate on the exploration of the widespread theatricality of the Midlle Ages and the tension of the performance as organic creation typical of twentieth century culture.

Core Documentation

Fabrizio Cruciani, Lo spazio del teatro, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1992
Peter Brook, La porta aperta, Torino, Einaudi, 2005
Handouts by the lecturer available at the end of the course
FOR NON-ATTENDING STUDENTS: Peter Brook, Lo spazio vuoto, Roma, Bulzoni, 1998

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lessons

Type of evaluation

The study is assessed through an oral test (15 min. ca.)