General introduction and fundamentals. Methods and techniques. The fieldwork. Anthropology today: who are the others; migrations; traditional societies; societies and cultures in the globalised world. A basic course useful to teachers, professors, and social workers.


teacher profile | teaching materials


The course is intended as an introduction to anthropology as cultural critique, specifically aimed at forming a figure of anthropologist regarded as “intellectual” capable of analysing, interpreting and comparing different cultural cases and systems.
The objectives of the course are:
– to develop in the student an awareness of “otherness”;
– to critically examine ideas about cultural differences and images of “otherness”;
– to develop in the student a capacity to recognize preconceptions and assumptions of their own social and cultural environments.
This kind of knowledge is today particularly important, even necessary in order to understand the changes we’re all experiencing, and educate the future generations to live together with the Others and recognise that they are an essential resource, but also to offer the means useful to the practice of everyday life and to every kind of job, especially for the teachers of any level of the educational system.

Knowledge and skills in the field of anthropology and cultural anthropology are extremely useful for the practice of teaching at any level of the education system, because they enhance the awareness of students’ personal stories and identities, of their peculiarities, and family backgrounds; at the same time, they help the teacher to abstain form any kind of social and cultural labelling.
Social and cultural anthropology also offer a body of knowledge about migratory processes and globalization, allowing the teacher to deal with multicultural groups of students and make them experience cultural diversity, starting the communication among them and letting the differences among them to interact without reductionisms, promoting integration and an intercultural dialogue. Moreover, they help better understand phenomena connected to dropping out of college.

Core Documentation

The texts for not-attending students

1. A textbook for the general part:
Ugo Fabietti, Elementi di antropologia culturale, Milano, Mondadori, 2015.

2. The monographic part includes:
Marshall Sahlins, Isole di storia, Raffaello Cortina, 2017

From the book
Carlo Ginzburg, Il filo e le tracce. Vero falso finto, Feltrinelli, Universale economica
the students will have to study chapters #5 (pp. 94-111), #11 (pp. 205-224), #14 (pp. 270-280), #15 (pp.281-293), and two further chapters by choice.

Please note that it is absolutely forbidden to use photocopies.

Type of delivery of the course



The frequency is strongly recommended.

Type of evaluation

Oral examination