The course of Postcolonial Film and Media Studies is part of the formative activities at free disposal of the students of the Degree Course in DAMS (Arts, Music and Drama). This Degree Course aims at offering an adequate foundation training, an extensive knowledge and appropriate methodological and critical instruments in performing arts and film, television and digital media, offering as well an adequate know how for the organization of cultural, performing arts, film and audiovisual events. The course of Postcolonial Film and Media Studies is intended to provide 1) a foundation training of key concepts and main lines of research that characterised postcolonial studies, with a specific reference to the experiences that involved the domain of film and media studies and the historical-cultural and artistic scenes in Italy; 2) the ability to contextualise, compare and critically analyse films, according to a postcolonial perspective, film texts and media narratives on the basis of a plurality of references (theoretical articles, critical contributions, interviews) and in the light of the direct vision of works; 3) the historic, critical and methodological key concepts necessary to the study of postcolonial critical thinking and to the analysis of an audiovisual narrative in a postcolonial lens.
teacher profile | teaching materials


A voyage in about three decades of narratives for the big and the small screen, with the so called second generation immigrants as leads, behind and before the camera. The battle for a new nationality law showed the presence of groups resisting the redefinition of the main narrative on Italianness. The fears raised by the attacks in the heart of Europe joined the return of some “race figures” linked to the past of Italy, as a country involved in dynamics of power and abuse on subaltern groups, from slavery to colonialism to biopolitical governance of the immigration.

Core Documentation

Leonardo De Franceschi, La cittadinanza come luogo di lotta. Le seconde generazioni in Italia fra cinema e serialità (Canterano, Aracne Editrice, 2017).
An online collection of articles and datasheets, edited by the professor in charge.

Type of delivery of the course

Traditional way, in the presence of the professor in charge.


Students are strongly recommended to attend class, but participation is not mandatory.

Type of evaluation

Oral test.