The course of Political Philosophy is part of the program in Philosophy (BA) and it is included among the basic training activities. The Course provides an introduction to the main authors in Political philosophy. Each year the Course will focus on one specific author. Students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in class debates and argumentations both from a theoretical and a historical-philosophical perspective. The Course is intended to the acquisition of analytical and interpretative conceptual tools in Political philosophy, both in reading and in debating. At the end of the course the student will acquire:
-) Ability to analyze and interpret philosophical texts;
-) Properties of language and argumentation;
-) Ability to contextualize the acquired knowledge in the Philosophical debate.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Political anthropology in Renaissance: Machiavelli and Montaigne

Centaurs, humors, cannibals: in early modern Europe, thinking about politics means carrying out a reflection on the human being, on his abilities and on his characteristics.
Through the texts of the two authors considered, politics unfolds as a field of interaction between human and non-human forces, assuming an analytical richness that will be lost with the subsequent equation between politics and the state dimension.

Core Documentation

Machiavelli, Discorso sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio
Libro I - Introduzione; 1; 2; 4; 5; 7; 37; 38; 39; 56; 58. Libro II - 5; 12; 15; 29. Libro III - 3; 4; 9; 12; 18; 27; 31; 46; 49

Michel de Montaigne, Saggi
- Apologia di Raymond Sebond, in Saggi, II, XII
- Le carrozze, in Saggi, III, VI
- I cannibali, in Saggi, I, XXXI
- Dell'esperienza, in Saggi, III, XIII

Type of delivery of the course

The course will develop in lectures and commentaries on texts

Type of evaluation

Final oral exam. For Erasmus students the exam can be held in their native language or in English In the case of emergency by COVID-19 the following modalities will be applied: oral distance exams through the Microsoft Teams platform.