The Course provides for an introduction to the main periods, issues, and authors, in feminist and gender studies and movements.
The Course is intended to the acquisition of historical and analytical tools, both in reading and in debating.
International students can ask for a final exam in their native language or in English.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course provides a survey on different authors and issues arising from Feminist Theory and feminist, queer and transfeminist movements. It involves lectures, workshops and writing activities.

Federica Castelli introduces Jane Addams
Sara Marchesi introduces Françoise d’Eaubonne
Serena Fiorletta Introduces Elsie Clews Parsons
Alessandra Chiricosta introduces Edith Garrud
Francesca Lopez introduces Jude Ellison Sady Doyle
Isabella Pinto introduces Anna L. Tsing
Angela Balzano introduces Donna Haraway
Lavinia Marziale introduces Le Reset

- Sex, Gender, Feminism(s)
- the (Trans)feminist City
- Feminist Manifestos
- Lucha Y Siesta

A more detailed program of the lectures will be available shortly

Core Documentation

*An introductory text to be choosen between
- F. Castelli, R. Carocci, Femminismi. Idee, movimenti, conflitti, Novadelphi, 2021
- A. Curcio (a cura di), Introduzione ai Femminismi. Genere, razza, classe, riproduzione: dal marxismo al queer, DeriveApprodi 2021
* The handouts and bibliography related to the author/lecture chosen for the focus

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and workshop

Type of evaluation

Lectures and workshops Final written text/ oral exam Attendance is required. In cases of impossibility of in-person attendance, please write to federica.castelli@uniroma3.it The final paper (individual or groupwork - 3 people maximum) can be presented both in Italian or in English. The wordcount should be at least 20.000 characters (including spaces). The paper should be referred to a lecture of choice and take into account the general bibliography of the course as well as the handouts and the lecture related to the author chosen for the discussion. The paper should be sent in .pdf format to federica.castelli@uniroma3.it before the oral exam. Deadlines and further informations to be provided at the beginning of the course.