Philosophy of art is part of the educational activities of the degree course in Communication Sciences. The course aims to provide a critical knowledge of the main issues and problems of the philosophy of art - in particular this academic year of the philosophy of mythology - in its main historical-conceptual and theoretical junctions. The course aims at stimulating students' ability to autonomously consider the implication of different forms of representation and reflect on the connections between aesthetics, epistemology of the human sciences, and forms of knowledge and communication, also providing the conceptual tools of philosophy and aesthetics. At the end of the course, the student will be able to deal with texts, documents and concepts belonging to different orientations of the philosophy of art as well as critically understand different aesthetic ways of representing the real.
teacher profile teaching materials
Diego Lanza, Tempo senza tempo. La riflessione sul mito dal Settecento a oggi, Carocci, Roma 2017.
J. G. Herder, Iduna o il pomo del ringiovanimento, a cura di M. Latini, postfazione di M. Cometa, ETS, Pisa 2019.
Hegel (?), Schelling (?), Hölderlin (?), Il più antico programma di sistema dell'idealismo tedesco, introduzione, traduzione e commento di Leonardo Amoroso, ETS, Pisa 2009.
R. Barthes, Miti d'oggi, Einaudi, Torino 2016, pp. IX-X, 27-30, 33-38, 48-53, 57-59, 77-79, 125-126, 147-149, 157-159, 172-174, 259-265, and pp. 191-238.
The course will deal with the relationship between philosophy of art, myth, and mythology. In the first part, the philosophy of mythology and the myth criticism will be discussed from the perspective of the aesthetics and from a historic-philosophical vantage point. In the second part, the debate on the new mythology and possibility of a mythology of reason will be analysed. Finally, in the last part, some authors and sources of myth criticism with regard to daily or contemporary myths will be examined.Core Documentation
The following texts are mandatory:Diego Lanza, Tempo senza tempo. La riflessione sul mito dal Settecento a oggi, Carocci, Roma 2017.
J. G. Herder, Iduna o il pomo del ringiovanimento, a cura di M. Latini, postfazione di M. Cometa, ETS, Pisa 2019.
Hegel (?), Schelling (?), Hölderlin (?), Il più antico programma di sistema dell'idealismo tedesco, introduzione, traduzione e commento di Leonardo Amoroso, ETS, Pisa 2009.
R. Barthes, Miti d'oggi, Einaudi, Torino 2016, pp. IX-X, 27-30, 33-38, 48-53, 57-59, 77-79, 125-126, 147-149, 157-159, 172-174, 259-265, and pp. 191-238.
Reference Bibliography
The following texts are suggested for supplementary research: P. D'Angelo, L'estetica del Romanticismo, Il Mulino, Bologna 1997. M. Cometa (a cura di), L'età classico-romantica. La cultura letteraria in Germania tra Settecento, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009. M. Frank, Il dio a venire. Lezioni sulla nuova mitologia, Einaudi, Torino 1994. F. Jesi, Mito, Mondadori, Milano 1980. G. Leghissa, E. Manera (a cura di), Filosofie del mito nel Novecento, Carocci, Roma 2015. F. Schlegel, Dialogo sulla poesia, in Athenaeum [1798-1800]. Tutti i fascicoli della rivista di August Wilhelm Schlegel e Friedrich Schlegel, a cura di G. Cusatelli, E. Agazzi e D. Mazza, postfazione di E. Lio, Bompiani, Milano 2008, pp. 651-694, 781-792. P. Szondi, Poetica dell'idealismo tedesco, Einaudi, Torino 1974.Type of delivery of the course
The teaching of the course will mainly consist of lectures. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the regulations concerning the methods of carrying out educational activities will be adopted.Type of evaluation
Learning will be assessed through an oral examination.