General introduction and fundamentals. Methods and techniques. The fieldwork. Anthropology today: who are the others; migrations; traditional societies; societies and cultures in the globalised world. A basic course useful to teachers, professors, and social workers.


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Theme of this year's course: Making home in mobility.

Ways and forms of how people "build" their lives.
Biographical paths, individual paths and collective exchanges.
Individual strategies and social organization.
Perfomative systems: from subjectivity to community.

Core Documentation

1. A textbook for the general part:
Ugo Fabietti, Elementi di antropologia culturale, Milano, Mondadori, 2015.

2. The monographic part includes:
Stefano De Matteis, La forza della vulnerabilità, Milano, Meltemi.
Giuseppe Grimaldi. Fuorigioco. Figli di migranti e italianità. Un’etnografia tra Milano, Addis Abeba e Londra. Ombre corte, Verona, 2022.
Andrea Staid, Essere natura. Uno sguardo antropologico per cambiare il nostro rapporto con l'ambiente, UTET, 2022.

Type of delivery of the course

Face-to-face lessons, showing of a selection of films and documentaries, field practice.

Type of evaluation

Oral examination.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20702652 ANTROPOLOGIA CULTURALE in DAMS (Discipline delle Arti, della Musica e dello Spettacolo) L-3 DE MATTEIS STEFANO


Theme of this year's course: Making home in mobility.

Ways and forms of how people "build" their lives.
Biographical paths, individual paths and collective exchanges.
Individual strategies and social organization.
Perfomative systems: from subjectivity to community.

Core Documentation

1. A textbook for the general part:
Ugo Fabietti, Elementi di antropologia culturale, Milano, Mondadori, 2015.

2. The monographic part includes:
Stefano De Matteis, La forza della vulnerabilità, Milano, Meltemi.
Giuseppe Grimaldi. Fuorigioco. Figli di migranti e italianità. Un’etnografia tra Milano, Addis Abeba e Londra. Ombre corte, Verona, 2022.
Andrea Staid, Essere natura. Uno sguardo antropologico per cambiare il nostro rapporto con l'ambiente, UTET, 2022.

Type of delivery of the course

Face-to-face lessons, showing of a selection of films and documentaries, field practice.

Type of evaluation

Oral examination.