The workshop focuses on acquiring the skills for the development of a production project in the audiovisual industries; the workshop will specifically address pitching practices and issues about copyright and the financial aspects of production.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20711212 LABORATORIO DI PRODUZIONE AUDIOVISIVA in DAMS (Discipline delle Arti, della Musica e dello Spettacolo) L-3 leonardi silvana


- Concept, feasibility, realization of synopsis, subject, treatment and script.
- Development: human resources, work team, artistic components.
- Presentation of the artistic project ("Pitching Skills")
- Financing, public and private film funding, tax credit, tax shelter.
- Other financial resources ("product placement", sponsorships, joint venture, crowdfunding, equities).
- Financial plan, liquidity plan and budget.
- The employment contract in the audiovisual sector. The authors. Professional figures, duties, responsibilities. Work organization models (Italy, USA, France).
- The pre-organization activity. Locations, Suppliers, Troupe, Cast.
- Internalization and externalization of costs, with particular reference to Photography, Scenography and Costumes
- Production processes and “green film” certification. The documents of the set.
- The Work Plan. Hinges, variables, verification of financial optimization, considerations.
- Cost estimate. Expenses, “hidden” charges, minimization of unexpected costs.
- Post-production.
- Low-cost production.
- The audiovisual market in Italy, in Europe and in the world.

Core Documentation

The study material will be provided by the teacher.
In addition, the following readings are recommended (also available in digital format):
- From Reel to Deal: everything you need to create a successful independent film - Dov SS. Simens - USA 2004
- Surviving Production: The Art of Production Management - DS Patz - 1997
- Location Scouting and Management Handbook: Television, Film and Still Photography - R. Maier 1994
- Shooting on location: the logistics of shooting on location, whatever your budget or experience - Kathy M. Mc Curdy - 2011
- Digital cinema: the revolution in cinematography, postproduction and distribution - B. McKernan - 2005
- Film production management: how to budget, organize and shoot your film - Bastian Cleve - 2017
- Mediasalles - Cinema Report 2018
- Mediasales - DiGiTalk 2016
- Publications on the ANICA website (CCNL Audiovisivo - Data on Italian cinema - Laws and decrees)

Type of delivery of the course

Lessons in the multimedia classroom, with the help of slides, tables and graphics.



Type of evaluation

2 Evaluation Tests and 2 Practical Tests