20704096 - ESTETICA

The aim of this course is to provide students with the basic notions of aesthetics (from beautiful to kitsch, from ugly to sublime, from interesting to horror and terror), following its conceptual evolution and transformations from antiquity to the modern age and to the present day.
One of the main educational goals of this course is to provide students with a solid knowledge of aesthetics and the philosophy of art, as well as the ability to orientate themselves among the various philosophical and artistic positions of recent decades. Students will be stimulated to critically examine the topics proposed in order to develop an autonomous capacity for analysis and sensitivity to aesthetic issues.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to use with awareness the philosophical-aesthetic vocabulary and the bibliographical tools useful to deepen the themes of modern and contemporary aesthetics, both Western and Eastern.

teacher profile | teaching materials


First and foremost, the course aims to provide an overview of the main aesthetic categories--from the beautiful to the ugly, from the interesting to the Kitsch, from the sublime to horror and terror--to assess their relevance in contemporary art practices.
In addition to this, it will explore - in general - the conception of the museum between past and present, tradition and innovation.

Core Documentation

Francesca Iannelli: Dissonanze contemporanee. Arte e vita in un tempo inconciliato. Quodlibet 2010 (up p. 206).
Krzysztof Pomian: Il museo. Una storia mondiale. Vol. 2: affermazione europea, 1789-1850, only cap. 23: "La Germania", Einaudi 2022, pp. 231-299.
Evelina Christillin, Christian Greco: Le memorie del futuro. Musei e ricerca, Einaudi 2021.
Musei e media digitali, di Nicolette Mandarano, Carocci 2019

Type of delivery of the course

The course includes lectures and discussions with students.

Type of evaluation

The written test consists of 15 questions of different types, both "closed" (e.g., multiple-choice questions, punctured text etc.) and "open" (e.g., questions that require the inclusion of the definition or genesis of a concept, the milestones in the evolution of an aesthetic category etc.). Will be assessed: - the ability to summarize complex content in a few lines (in the case of open-ended answers) - the level of knowledge of the conceptual content of the texts examined (through open-ended questions and through questions with punctured text) - the mastery in handling more specific information, e.g. recognizing the author of individual works of art or the production of specific artists etc. (in the case of multiple-choice answers) Duration of the test: 90 minutes