The course aims to:
• introduce the main concepts of the methodology of research in the field of social and communication sciences;
• consolidate the skills in research methodology, through the design and implementation of ethnographic investigation paths;
• enhance critical analysis skills through interactive and laboratory teaching;
• encourage the active participation of the students with exercises and presentations during the lessons, in order to improve their verbal abilities and communication skills.
• introduce the main concepts of the methodology of research in the field of social and communication sciences;
• consolidate the skills in research methodology, through the design and implementation of ethnographic investigation paths;
• enhance critical analysis skills through interactive and laboratory teaching;
• encourage the active participation of the students with exercises and presentations during the lessons, in order to improve their verbal abilities and communication skills.
teacher profile teaching materials
Giampietro Gobo (2001), Descrivere il mondo. Teoria e pratica del metodo etnografico in sociologia, Carocci, Roma
Mutuazione: 20710006 METODOLOGIE DELLE SCIENZE DELLA COMUNICAZIONE in DAMS (Discipline delle Arti, della Musica e dello Spettacolo) L-3 DE FEO ANTONIETTA
The course develops methodological skills in order to undertake research in the field of communication studies and social sciences. The first part of the course will examine the methodological framework for the study of culture and communication. The main stages and strategies of the field research, with particular emphasis on the ethnographic method, will be explored during the second part.Core Documentation
Wendy Griswold (2009), Un framework metodologico per lo studio della cultura, in M. Santoro, R. Sassatellin(a cura di), Studiare la cultura. Nuove prospettive sociologiche, Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 253-285Giampietro Gobo (2001), Descrivere il mondo. Teoria e pratica del metodo etnografico in sociologia, Carocci, Roma
Type of delivery of the course
The course mainly consists of lectures supported by Power Point presentations. Some classes will be hosted by guest lecturers who are leading in this field. The professor will communicate and upload teaching material through the Moodle and Teams platforms available at the University website.Type of evaluation
Both attending and non-attending students must pass a written test, which will consist of three open questions, each of them is awarded a mark from one to ten. The students, with two hours to spare, will have to answer three questions extensively.