The Writing and Journalism Workshop is one of the training activities of the Bachelor of Arts in Communication Sciences, which has as its general objective a critical understanding of issues and problems relating to information and the current development of the media.
As part of this course, the workshop aims to provide direct experience of contemporary journalistic work through the creation of a simulated newsroom. Organised in groups, students will be able to put into practice the theoretical notions acquired and use case studies to design and produce news articles, surveys, reports, interviews and reviews. The workshop will also enable them to interact with professionals in the sector who will be invited to discuss specific topics in depth.
At the end of the workshop students will have acquired the necessary basis to critically evaluate information and sources, and to produce journalistic materials of different types.
As part of this course, the workshop aims to provide direct experience of contemporary journalistic work through the creation of a simulated newsroom. Organised in groups, students will be able to put into practice the theoretical notions acquired and use case studies to design and produce news articles, surveys, reports, interviews and reviews. The workshop will also enable them to interact with professionals in the sector who will be invited to discuss specific topics in depth.
At the end of the workshop students will have acquired the necessary basis to critically evaluate information and sources, and to produce journalistic materials of different types.
teacher profile teaching materials
1) Facts and news (definitions, examples); newsworthiness; construction of the news
2) Speed and duration: hard, soft, breaking, slow
3) Multiplication of sources and verification tools, rights and duties of journalists
4) Investigative and reporting journalism (with the participation of journalist Giuliano Battiston)
5) The interview
6) Around and beyond current affairs. Comments, columns, reviews
7) Forms and styles of written journalism: paper and web (with the participation of journalist Matteo Bartocci)
8) Journalism through images: photo, video, instagram
9) Journalism through voice: podcasts, audioseries, radio
10) Collective analysis of group final papers (War)
11) Collective analysis of final group papers (City)
12) Collective analysis of final group papers (Health)
La guerra:
Nancy Porsia, Mal di Libia. I miei giorni sul fronte del Mediterraneo, Bompiani, 2023.
La città:
Lucia Tozzi, L'invenzione di Milano, Cronopio, 2023.
La salute:
Jessica Mariana Masucci, Il fronte psichico. Inchiesta sulla salute mentale degli italiani, Nottetempo, 2023.
- Marco Delmastro, Antonio Nicita, Big Data. Come stanno cambiando il nostro mondo, Il Mulino 2019
- Maria Teresa Carbone (cur.), Che ci faccio qui? Scrittrici e scrittori nell'era della postfotografia, Italo Svevo, 2022.
Alongside an overview of the key elements of contemporary journalism, the programme envisages the formation of working groups dedicated to the three topics on which the workshop focuses most specifically: 1) War; 2) City; 3) Health.1) Facts and news (definitions, examples); newsworthiness; construction of the news
2) Speed and duration: hard, soft, breaking, slow
3) Multiplication of sources and verification tools, rights and duties of journalists
4) Investigative and reporting journalism (with the participation of journalist Giuliano Battiston)
5) The interview
6) Around and beyond current affairs. Comments, columns, reviews
7) Forms and styles of written journalism: paper and web (with the participation of journalist Matteo Bartocci)
8) Journalism through images: photo, video, instagram
9) Journalism through voice: podcasts, audioseries, radio
10) Collective analysis of group final papers (War)
11) Collective analysis of final group papers (City)
12) Collective analysis of final group papers (Health)
Core Documentation
Each student must choose one topic from the three suggested topics and read in full the book indicated for that topicLa guerra:
Nancy Porsia, Mal di Libia. I miei giorni sul fronte del Mediterraneo, Bompiani, 2023.
La città:
Lucia Tozzi, L'invenzione di Milano, Cronopio, 2023.
La salute:
Jessica Mariana Masucci, Il fronte psichico. Inchiesta sulla salute mentale degli italiani, Nottetempo, 2023.
Reference Bibliography
- Claudio Giunta, Come non scrivere, Utet 2018- Marco Delmastro, Antonio Nicita, Big Data. Come stanno cambiando il nostro mondo, Il Mulino 2019
- Maria Teresa Carbone (cur.), Che ci faccio qui? Scrittrici e scrittori nell'era della postfotografia, Italo Svevo, 2022.
Type of delivery of the course
Classes are held in person and involve alternating frontal teaching and workshop activities. Students who are unable to attend in person are allowed to attend lectures remotely. Lectures are recorded so that non-attending students can also take the course. However, non-attending students are also required from the beginning of the lab to participate in the group work required by the syllabus.Type of evaluation
The assessment of proficiency will be "in itinere", that is, it will be based on the group exercises conducted during the course and on the final papers, also group papers, in the form of a journalistic product. For this reason, there will be no written or oral tests at the end of the workshop. Students must still register for the appeals to allow for registration of proficiency.