The course aims to provide a historical knowledge of the birth and evolution of the radio-television communication system, considered in close connection with the economic, social and cultural transformations of the modern age. In this context, attention will be paid to the Italian case by inserting it into the broader European and North American framework.

The teaching is consistent with the objectives of the degree course, which aims to provide a critical knowledge of the interaction between communication processes and cultural, social and political phenomena, which characterize contemporary society, to be understood also from a historical perspective.

The course intends to lead the participants to the acquisition of knowledge necessary to analyze the interaction between the development of the radio-television system and the socio-cultural transformations of modern society, in different national contexts and on the global scenario. Students will thus be able to acquire the necessary skills to decode the radio and television language and to place the history of individual mediums within the more general one of the media system.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course will analyse the history of radio and television during the 20th century, with reference both to the Italian and the international contexts.
The course will propose a history of radio and television media in which an internal dimension (relating to technologies, broadcasting, programmes, languages, etc.) will be integrated with an external one (relating to the relationship between the mass media and the politics, economy, culture and societies of the various contexts analysed).

Core Documentation

The course syllabus consists of the following textbooks:

- Franco Monteleone, Storia della radio e della televisione in Italia. Costume, società e politica, Marsilio, 2005 and later editions (only regarding chapters 1-8, pp. 1-267).

- Irene Piazzoni, Storia delle televisioni in Italia. Dagli esordi alle web tv, Carocci, 2014 (pp. 1-320, the entire volume).

Reference Bibliography

Any additional bibliographical references may be indicated during the lectures.

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures will be held in person and may be attended remotely only in cases provided for by current University regulations.


Attendance is optional, but strongly recommended.

Type of evaluation

The final examination will be carried out through a written test about the topics of the course and the texts adopted in the syllabus. More details will be given during the lectures.