The proposed learning objective has its cornerstone into the direct involvement of students in the experience of theater practice on the Rebibbia stage: shoulder to shoulder with actors who have found, on the common ground of poetry and art, the lost thread of their existence.


teacher profile | teaching materials


Students will be able to learn about the most important themes of the relationship between Ethics and Aesthetics through the analysis of some passages from the works of Plato, Aristotle, Bruno, Shakespeare, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Blumenberg.
They will deepen the concept of "punishment" and "social reintegration" of the deviant, according to Article 27 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic.
Through watching films and docs they will understand the impact of art in the prison context.
They will participate in the theatrical rehearsals at the Rebibbia Prison's Theater.

Core Documentation

Some literary works may be suggested to the students during the workshop

Reference Bibliography

FILMOGRAPHY "Cesare deve morire" di Paolo e Vittorio Taviani (2012) [visionabile anche presso la Biblioteca del Dams, via Ostiense 139, piano -1]; "Naufragio con spettatore" di Fabio Cavalli (2016) [visionabile https://vimeo.com/176719522/344b503c83 ] "Hamlet in Rebibbia" di Fabio Cavalli (2017) [visionabile su https://vimeo.com/241660264]

Type of delivery of the course

A) Lectures at DAMS Roma3 University: Elements of information on the penitentiary context. Relationship between Aesthetics and Ethics with respect to the context of the theater in places of social hardship. B) Viewing and commenting on films and docs on the subject and, if health conditions permit, laboratory lessons at the Rebibbia N.C Prison Theater: direct interaction with the stage work carried out by the inmates-actors. C) In order to obtain eligibility, each student will have to prepare a final report on the Laboratory experience in the form they prefer: short essay, diary, interview with the actors, storytelling of episodes, theatrical dialogue, script hypothesis. The quality papers can be published on the relevant websites and social networks (www.enricomariasalerno.it; www.teatroecarcere.it; facebook and twitter pages).


Attendance is obligatory. Maximum number of hours of absence 9

Type of evaluation

Each student must prepare a final report on the experience of the Laboratory in the preferred form: short essay, diary, story episodes, theatrical dialogue, screenplay hypothesis ... The best works may be published on the website www.enricomariasalerno.it and on social networks (face book pages and twitter).

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20703410 LABORATORIO DI ARTI DELLO SPETTACOLO 1 in DAMS (Discipline delle Arti, della Musica e dello Spettacolo) L-3 N0 CAVALLI FABIO


Students will be able to learn about the most important themes of the relationship between Ethics and Aesthetics through the analysis of some passages from the works of Plato, Aristotle, Bruno, Shakespeare, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Blumenberg.
They will deepen the concept of "punishment" and "social reintegration" of the deviant, according to Article 27 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic.
Through watching films and docs they will understand the impact of art in the prison context.
They will participate in the theatrical rehearsals at the Rebibbia Prison's Theater.

Core Documentation

Some literary works may be suggested to the students during the workshop

Reference Bibliography

FILMOGRAPHY "Cesare deve morire" di Paolo e Vittorio Taviani (2012) [visionabile anche presso la Biblioteca del Dams, via Ostiense 139, piano -1]; "Naufragio con spettatore" di Fabio Cavalli (2016) [visionabile https://vimeo.com/176719522/344b503c83 ] "Hamlet in Rebibbia" di Fabio Cavalli (2017) [visionabile su https://vimeo.com/241660264]

Type of delivery of the course

A) Lectures at DAMS Roma3 University: Elements of information on the penitentiary context. Relationship between Aesthetics and Ethics with respect to the context of the theater in places of social hardship. B) Viewing and commenting on films and docs on the subject and, if health conditions permit, laboratory lessons at the Rebibbia N.C Prison Theater: direct interaction with the stage work carried out by the inmates-actors. C) In order to obtain eligibility, each student will have to prepare a final report on the Laboratory experience in the form they prefer: short essay, diary, interview with the actors, storytelling of episodes, theatrical dialogue, script hypothesis. The quality papers can be published on the relevant websites and social networks (www.enricomariasalerno.it; www.teatroecarcere.it; facebook and twitter pages).


Attendance is obligatory. Maximum number of hours of absence 9

Type of evaluation

Each student must prepare a final report on the experience of the Laboratory in the preferred form: short essay, diary, story episodes, theatrical dialogue, screenplay hypothesis ... The best works may be published on the website www.enricomariasalerno.it and on social networks (face book pages and twitter).