20703414 - Cultural Entrepreneurship workshop

The workshop is part of the DAMS training activities and is aimed at developing managerial and organizational skills for the creation of companies whose main mission is cultural planning. By examining three main actions such as production, programming and promotion, we intend to provide a basic knowledge of the functioning of the cultural production sector.
In a first phase, the lessons are aimed at explaining and specifying in particular the terminology and the various interlocutors of reference, to get to the guidelines and strategies that characterise the world of cultural enterprises. The goal is to highlight common elements, taking into account the complexity and diversity of both the legal and planning worlds of business and cultural bodies.
The following phase has the objective of making students measure with a guided design test, aimed at verifying the realization of a creative idea.
During the workshop, students will acquire basic elements of cultural planning and managerial skills for planning, analysis of sustainability and realization of cultural projects.


teacher profile | teaching materials


During the workshop, the functioning systems of a cultural enterprise will be examined. The cultural enterprise will be observed from its legal point of view, studying the work standards and contractual responsibilities, especially in relation to the live performance, but also in relation with other areas of cultural production. During the lessons, the process of writing the project will be also discussed, with particular attention to the development of the ability to find public and private funding.
Organized in working groups, the workshop will examine how to draft a cultural project and aim to enable the students to explore the feasibility and sustainability of their own projects ideas under the market, organizational, and economic perspective, focusing on theatrical and cultural enterprises.

Core Documentation

Workshop texts
Lucio Argano, Alessandro Bollo, Paolo Dalla Sega “Organizzare eventi culturali. Ideazione, progettazione e gestione strategica del pubblico” Franco Angeli 2017
Lecture notes will be given by the professor

Type of delivery of the course

During the lessons, the process of writing the project will be also discussed: Organized in working groups, the workshop will examine how to draft a cultural project and aim to enable the students to explore the feasibility and sustainability of their own projects ideas under the market, organizational, and economic perspective, focusing on theatrical and cultural enterprises.

Type of evaluation

Ongoing evaluation - project development evaluation.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20703414 LABORATORIO DI CREAZIONE DI IMPRESA CULTURALE in DAMS (Discipline delle Arti, della Musica e dello Spettacolo) L-3 SCAGLIONE ROBERTA


During the workshop, the functioning systems of a cultural enterprise will be examined. The cultural enterprise will be observed from its legal point of view, studying the work standards and contractual responsibilities, especially in relation to the live performance, but also in relation with other areas of cultural production. During the lessons, the process of writing the project will be also discussed, with particular attention to the development of the ability to find public and private funding.
Organized in working groups, the workshop will examine how to draft a cultural project and aim to enable the students to explore the feasibility and sustainability of their own projects ideas under the market, organizational, and economic perspective, focusing on theatrical and cultural enterprises.

Core Documentation

Workshop texts
Lucio Argano, Alessandro Bollo, Paolo Dalla Sega “Organizzare eventi culturali. Ideazione, progettazione e gestione strategica del pubblico” Franco Angeli 2017
Lecture notes will be given by the professor

Type of delivery of the course

During the lessons, the process of writing the project will be also discussed: Organized in working groups, the workshop will examine how to draft a cultural project and aim to enable the students to explore the feasibility and sustainability of their own projects ideas under the market, organizational, and economic perspective, focusing on theatrical and cultural enterprises.

Type of evaluation

Ongoing evaluation - project development evaluation.