20709148 - Laboratory of filmmaking 4

The course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge about the realization of an audiovisual product, through the direct involvement of the participants. In particular, it aims to provide knowledge concerning: 1) the three production steps of writing, production, post-production; 2) the functioning of audiovisual language, including its rhetoric; 3) the making of short audiovisual stories through easily accessible technological devices.


teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20709148 LABORATORIO DI FILMMAKING 4 in DAMS (Discipline delle Arti, della Musica e dello Spettacolo) L-3 DAMIANI PASQUALINO


The schedule of the filmaking lab is organized in three different parts:
a) theory on film writing and the language of cinema and visual choices (the idea, the story and the opening scenes of the final script);
b) film directing - visual culture, shots and close up, film grammar, soundtrack on dialogues, sound and music;
c) filming a shortmetrage, a trailer or a teaser of the opening scene of the film (it has to be made with digital devices - smartphone, digital camera or camcorder).
The morals, the basic of the Filmmaking 4 lab is the creative freedom of the filmmaker (director, screenplayer).

Core Documentation

Following books are suggested:
A. Bazin What'is cinema -

Type of delivery of the course

The filmmaking lab works on 12 lessons of 3 hours each. Total 36 hours.


To be present in all 12 classwork is necessary. Only 2 times not present can be accepted and to be explained.

Type of evaluation

The final test works on writing, producing e shooting a shortmetrage, trailer or teaser edited, including mixage and delivered on a digital device (PenDrive).

teacher profile | teaching materials


The schedule of the filmaking lab is organized in three different parts:
a) theory on film writing and the language of cinema and visual choices (the idea, the story and the opening scenes of the final script);
b) film directing - visual culture, shots and close up, film grammar, soundtrack on dialogues, sound and music;
c) filming a shortmetrage, a trailer or a teaser of the opening scene of the film (it has to be made with digital devices - smartphone, digital camera or camcorder).
The morals, the basic of the Filmmaking 4 lab is the creative freedom of the filmmaker (director, screenplayer).

Core Documentation

Following books are suggested:
A. Bazin What'is cinema -

Reference Bibliography

Following books are suggested: Bazin What'is cinema - David Foster Wallace - A supposedly fun thing I'll never do again. Bogdanovich - Cinema of John Ford - S. Lumet - On making cinema - R.W.Fassbinder Interview - D.Lynch - Interview with D.Lynch G.Brunetta -Italian cinema's history - C.Bene Versus cinema - F.Raphael - Eyes wide open - F.Truffaut. - Cinema with Hitchcock - K.Reisz - The technique of film editing - J.L.Godard - Scripts. G.Deleuze - Motion and Time on cinema

Type of delivery of the course

The filmmaking lab works on 12 lessons of 3 hours each. Total 36 hours.


To be present in all 12 classwork is necessary. Only 2 times not present can be accepted and to be explained.

Type of evaluation

The final test works on writing, producing e shooting a shortmetrage, trailer or teaser edited, including mixage and delivered on a digital device (PenDrive).