The objectives of the course concern the legislation of cinema and audiovisual sector, in Italy and in Europe, with particular reference to the protection of content, copyright and related rights.
teacher profile | teaching materials



The course aims to provide an in-depth knowledge of the legal framework that regulates the audio-visual sector in Italy and in Europe and on the underlying principles.
During the lessons, an overview will be carried out on the institutional actors, on the supply chain system and a legislative evolution will be outlined in the new economic and technological context, in the light of the new digital ecosystem. Operators of the sector can be invited to illustrate case studies and best practices.
Students will be provided with informative elements and tools to know the procedures and the regulatory framework to support businesses and audio-visual works.

Course structure
First part: the European framework that regulates cinema and the audio-visual sector
1.1 The creation of the Digital Single Market and the European audio-visual subjects
1.2 The revision of the Audio-visual Media Services Directive and main issues on the revision of the Copyright Directive and the "Sat Cab" regulation
1.3 The Creative Europe Programme - Media
1.4 The European co-productions Convention and the Eurimages Fund
1.5 The legislation on state aid. The Cinema Communication
Second part: cinema and audio-visual national legislation: the Law n. 220/2018 and the implementing decrees
2.1 Governance and competent authorities: overall framework. Structure, duties and attributions of the General Directorate of Cinema of MIC
2.2 The law n.220 of 2016: origin, objectives, strategic lines of intervention and resources
2.3 The law n.220 of 2016: nationality, beneficiary subjects and works
2.4 The law n. 220 of 2016: selective support for production and automatic contributions
2.5 The law n. 220 of 2016: the system of tax credits for the audio-visual supply chain
2.6. Support for promotion; festivals, awards, reviews, writers, associations and development of cinematographic and audio-visual culture. The main public institutions (ILC, CSC, Cineteca Bologna, Turin Museum, Cinema Biennale)
2.7 The law n. 220 of 2016: extraordinary plans for the audio-visual heritage digitization and for cinema’s strengthening
2.8 National action plan for film education
2.9 The State – Regions relationship and the recognition of the Film Commission
2:10. The three reforms envisaged by the Law: protection of minors in the film and audio-visual sector and the classification of works; promotion of cinematographic and audio-visual works: planning and investment obligations for audio-visual media service providers; job market reform on cinematographic and audio-visual matters.

Core Documentation

The teaching material will consist of handouts by the Professor, accompanied by articles, papers and in-depth regulatory documentation. The material will be uploaded by the teacher on the Teams channel of the course

Reference Bibliography

Audiovisual Media Service Directive - https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/IT/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32018L1808&from=pl Cinema Communication - https://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:C:2013:332:0001:0011:EN:PDF Creative Europe - Media Programme - https://www.europacreativa-media.it/ Eurimages - https://www.coe.int/en/web/eurimages Italiana Cinema and Audiovisual Law n. 220/2016 - https://www.normattiva.it/uri-res/N2Ls?urn:nir:stato:legge:2016;220~art15 Web site DGCA Mic - https://cinema.cultura.gov.it/ National Portal of locations and incentives - https://www.italyformovies.it/ Film education National Plan - https://cinemaperlascuola.istruzione.it/

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lessons, in which additional informative materials will be provided to discuss. Lessons will take place in the second semester, on Saturday mornings


Given the technical nature of the subject, regular attendance is recommended.

Type of evaluation

The verification is done through an oral test. In some cases, a 1-hour written test may be required.