The course aims to provide students with essential tools and skills related to film grammar, by focusing on the direction in cinema and the new audiovisual practices that characterise the contemporary media scenario.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course aims to provide students with skills related to film directing through a study of the practices and an analysis of the expressive tools offered by different staging strategies, retracing different phases of film history and then focusing specifically on contemporary audiovisual productions that are placed in closer dialogue with digital media.
In the first part of the course, the aim is to provide students with skills related to film grammar, with specific attention paid to the main directing techniques (composition of the shots, main camera movements , visual continuity rules, etc.). Several case studies will be analalysed with the aim of identifying multiple stylistic solutions, as well as some simple practical exercises aimed at understanding technical aspects related to the cinematographic framing and camera movements. A specific analysis will be devoted to the work of director Abbas Kiarostami.
In the second part of the course, numerous audiovisual practices that arise from the hybridization between cinema and contemporary digital media will be take into consideration. In this second part, some practices of remediation and "diegetization" of digital devices in contemporary cinema will be analyzed, as well as some specific audiovisual products designed specifically for the web and for a wide circulation and use through different media devices. Specific attention will be devoted to desktop cinema.

Core Documentation

Bibliography (being defined):

- Arcangelo Mazzoleni, "L'ABC del linguaggio cinematografico" (Editore Dino Audino)
- Elio Ugenti, "Abbas Kiarostami. Le forme dell'immagine" (Bulzoni Editore)
- Lecture notes edited by the teacher available starting from mid-October

Type of delivery of the course

The course is delivered through classroom-taught lessons that provide - for the purpose of a better understanding of the topics addressed by the students - the use of slides and/or the screening of movies and videos. Brief workshops focused on film analysis and audiovisual practices can be planned during the lessons.


In presence lessons. Attendance is not mandatory.

Type of evaluation

The learning assessment takes place through a written exam. There are no intermediate tests.