The course aims to provide a general knowledge of the relationships that bind the various audiovisual media to the articulated contemporary music scene. At the same time, the historical, artistic and linguistic aspects of the main musical cultures now widespread among young people will be studied.
teacher profile teaching materials
The course aims to provide students with the theoretical and methodological tools to analyse sense and meaning of youth cultures from their birth in the ‘50s until our days, being as they were (and are) in a conflicting entanglement with the mass media that amplify them and make them popular.
Beginning with the American and British scene, we will analyse how youth cultures manifested themselves, focusing in particular on the kinds of music they adopted. Attention will be given particularly to the Italian scene, deeply and for long marked by alternative music trends which, from the ‘60s onwards, found in singer-songwriters (“cantautori”), in rock and in rap music, their favoured way of communication.
Alemanni Cesare, Rap, Minimum Fax, Roma 2019.
Mutuazione: 20711207 MEDIA E CULTURE MUSICALI GIOVANILI in DAMS (Discipline delle Arti, della Musica e dello Spettacolo) L-3 VACCA GIOVANNI
Since teen-agers appeared after World War II, youth cultures have shown their independence from the adult world in a contrast that only in recent times seems to be weakening. With the advent of cultural studies, started in Great Britain in the ‘60s, sociologists and popular music scholars have been discussing such trends for their strong connotation in terms of style and music.The course aims to provide students with the theoretical and methodological tools to analyse sense and meaning of youth cultures from their birth in the ‘50s until our days, being as they were (and are) in a conflicting entanglement with the mass media that amplify them and make them popular.
Beginning with the American and British scene, we will analyse how youth cultures manifested themselves, focusing in particular on the kinds of music they adopted. Attention will be given particularly to the Italian scene, deeply and for long marked by alternative music trends which, from the ‘60s onwards, found in singer-songwriters (“cantautori”), in rock and in rap music, their favoured way of communication.
Core Documentation
Chambers Iain, Ritmi urbani, Meltemi, Sesto San Giovanni 2018.Alemanni Cesare, Rap, Minimum Fax, Roma 2019.
twice a weekType of evaluation
oral test teacher profile teaching materials
The course aims to provide students with the theoretical and methodological tools to analyse sense and meaning of youth cultures from their birth in the ‘50s until our days, being as they were (and are) in a conflicting entanglement with the mass media that amplify them and make them popular.
Beginning with the American and British scene, we will analyse how youth cultures manifested themselves, focusing in particular on the kinds of music they adopted. Attention will be given particularly to the Italian scene, deeply and for long marked by alternative music trends which, from the ‘60s onwards, found in singer-songwriters (“cantautori”), in rock and in rap music, their favoured way of communication.
Alemanni Cesare, Rap, Minimum Fax, Roma 2019.
Since teen-agers appeared after World War II, youth cultures have shown their independence from the adult world in a contrast that only in recent times seems to be weakening. With the advent of cultural studies, started in Great Britain in the ‘60s, sociologists and popular music scholars have been discussing such trends for their strong connotation in terms of style and music.The course aims to provide students with the theoretical and methodological tools to analyse sense and meaning of youth cultures from their birth in the ‘50s until our days, being as they were (and are) in a conflicting entanglement with the mass media that amplify them and make them popular.
Beginning with the American and British scene, we will analyse how youth cultures manifested themselves, focusing in particular on the kinds of music they adopted. Attention will be given particularly to the Italian scene, deeply and for long marked by alternative music trends which, from the ‘60s onwards, found in singer-songwriters (“cantautori”), in rock and in rap music, their favoured way of communication.
Core Documentation
Chambers Iain, Ritmi urbani, Meltemi, Sesto San Giovanni 2018.Alemanni Cesare, Rap, Minimum Fax, Roma 2019.
Reference Bibliography
Benaglia Isabella, Trappebasta, Laurana Editore, Milano 2020. Cerchiari Luca, Il disco, Odoya 2014. De Gennaro Luca, Generazione alternativa 1991-1995, Rizzoli Lizard, 2024. Gilroy Paul, The Black Atlantic, Meltemi, Roma 2003. Hebdige Dick, Sottocultura, Meltemi, Sesto San Giovanni 2017. Mattioli Valerio, Superonda, Baldini & Castoldi, Milano 2016. Ong W.J., Oralità e scrittura, Il Mulino, Bologna 1986. Ortoleva Peppino, Mediastoria, Pratiche Editrice, Milano 1997. (Ortoleva Peppino, Il secolo dei media, Il Saggiatore 2009). Spagna Francesco, Cultura e controcultura, elèuthera 2016. Zukar Paola, Rap. Una storia italiana, Baldini & Castoldi, Milano 2021.Attendance
twice a weekType of evaluation
oral test