The course aims to deepen the educational aspects connected to communication processes in several life contexts. At the end of the course, students will know the epistemological foundations of communication pedagogy, outline the reference models for managing effective communication, understand the relationship between educational and communication processes.
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Students will be involved in a co-constructed learning pathway oriented towards social justice in education.
Starting from outlining the epistemological foundations of Pedagogy (the specific object of study and intervention and the pathway to becoming a practical and theoretical knowledge that thinks and envisages education as a "Pedagogical Science" and "Borderline Science"), the educational and training potential of the performing arts, in particular theatre, will be discussed.
From the perspective of a critical and committed pedagogy, the themes of the pedagogy of the oppressed and the theatre of the oppressed will be explored in depth, including through practical and workshop experiences;
the complex, ecological and decolonial perspective and, specifically, the relations between colonisation-decolonisation and new migratory phenomena will be taken into account; the educational dimensions in the contexts of marginality and exclusion will be discussed; cultural deprivation, migratory trauma and educational poverty will be reflected upon; methodological hypotheses for effective communication in education will be co-constructed.

Core Documentation

Catarci M, (2016), La pedagogia della liberazione di Paulo Freire. Educazione, intercultura e cambiamento sociale, Milano: Franco Angeli.

Gigli A., Tolomelli A., Zanchettin A.,(2008), Il Teatro dell'Oppresso in educazione, Roma: Carocci

Bianchi L., (2023) La pedagogia implicita di Alexander Langer, Brescia: Morcelliana .

Reference Bibliography

Baldacci M., Frabboni F. (2013), Manuale di metodologia della ricerca educativa, Novara, Utet. Bateson G. (1972), Verso un’ecologia della mente, Adelphi 2006, Milano. Bateson G. (1979), Mente e Natura, Adelphi 2008, Milano. Bianchi L. (2022), La pedagogia implicita di Alexander Langer. Dall’ecopacifismo alla cittadinanza terrestre. Provare sempre a riparare il mondo. In Mariuzzo A. (a cura di), Dalla compassione all'educazione Vie emancipative comunitarie nel Novecento, Il Mulino, pp. 141-160. Bianchi L. (2022), Genere, Razza e Classe. Prospettiva engaged e intersezionalità negli albi illustrati di bell hooks. In Borruso F., Gallelli R., Seveso G., (a cura di), Le avventure della conoscenza Esclusione ed emancipazione nei percorsi educativi femminili tra storia e attualità, Roma, Unicopli. Bianchi L., (2020), La narrazione nella relazione educativa: le parole dell’intercultura. The narrative in the educational relationship: the words of interculture, in: Education Sciences & Society. Boal A. (2011) Il teatro degli oppressi. Teoria e tecnica del teatro, Bari: La Meridiana. Bocchi G., Ceruti M. (1985), La sfida della complessità, Feltrinelli, Milano. Butler J. (1997), Excitable Speech: a politics of the performative, Routledge, London. Cambi F. (2008), Le pedagogie del Novecento, Laterza, Bari. Catarci M. (2011), L’integrazione dei rifugiati. Formazione e inclusione nelle rappresentazioni degli operatori sociali, FrancoAngeli, Milano. Catarci M., Fiorucci M., eds. (2013), Orientamenti Interculturali. Scelte scolastiche e opportunità sociali degli alunni con cittadinanza non italiana, Armando Editore, Roma Fabbri M. (2012), Il transfert, il dono, la cura. Giochi di proiezione nell’esperienza educative, FrancoAngeli, Milano. Fiorucci M., Catarci M. (2015), Il mondo a scuola. Per un’educazione interculturale, Edizioni Conoscenza, Roma. Fiorucci M., Pinto Minerva F. and Portera A., eds. (2017), Gli alfabeti dell’intercultura, ETS, Pisa. Freire, P. (2018). Pedagogia degli oppressi, Torino: Edizioni Gruppo Abele. hooks, b. (1998), Elogio del margine. Razza, sesso e mercato culturale, trad.it. Nadotti, M., Milano: Feltrinelli. hooks, b. (2020). Insegnare a trasgredire. L’educazione come pratica di libertà, Milano: Meltemi. Semeraro A. (2007), Pedagogia e comunicazione. Paradigmi e intersezioni, Roma: Carocci.

Type of delivery of the course

The delivery mode will be face-to-face and distance learning. Lecture support materials (teaching slides, in-depth study handouts, etc.) will be made available on the course's Moodle page. The slides will be supportive but will not replace the bibliography in the studio; - The language in which the course is delivered is Italian; - The course is characterised by frontal lectures on the institutional part and by thematic in-depth studies, also including laboratory meetings and with privileged context witnesses; both these modes will allow to analyse the bibliography and to take a problematising and systemic view.


Attendance at the course is optional, although attendance is strongly recommended for training purposes

Type of evaluation

Methods: the final exam will be oral and will cover all the bibliography indicated for the preparation of the exam. Timing: there are no intermediate examinations, but the examination will be based on a single oral test at the end of the course; the method of returning the results of the test relates to the time required by the teacher for publication, but the maximum time for publication of the results may not exceed 10 days from the day on which the test was taken; There are no materials that can be used as support during the exam, except for the concept maps provided for students with relative DSA certification. Please note that concept maps must be sent to the teacher at least one week before the exam date.