Upon completion of this course, the student will have obtained:
- Knowledge of the main issues related to cultural anthropology;
- Knowledge of some reference texts in this domain and of the relevant debates;
- Knowledge and understanding of the interdisciplinary issues connected to cultural anthropology.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
The student will have obtained:
- Ability to focus on issues raised by cultural anthropology.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20702652 ANTROPOLOGIA CULTURALE in DAMS (Discipline delle Arti, della Musica e dello Spettacolo) L-3 DE MATTEIS STEFANO


Theme of this year's course: Making home.

Ways and forms of how people "build" their lives.
Biographical paths, individual paths and collective exchanges.
Individual strategies and social organization.
Perfomative systems: from subjectivity to community.

Core Documentation

1. A textbook for the general part:
Ugo Fabietti, Elementi di antropologia culturale, Milano, Mondadori, 2015.
Stefano De Matteis, Il dilemma dell'aragosta. La forza della vulnerabilità, Milano, Meltemi 2021.

2. The monographic part includes:
Stefano De Matteis, Gli sciamani non ci salveranno.
Andrea Staid, Essere natura. Uno sguardo antropologico per cambiare il nostro rapporto con l'ambiente, UTET, 2022.

Type of delivery of the course

Face-to-face lessons, showing of a selection of films and documentaries, field practice.

Type of evaluation

Oral examination.