The course in History of Philosophy is part of the program in Philosophy (BA level) and is included among the basic training activities.
The course (BA) has the following learning objectives:
1. to develop knowledge of the most important concepts and authors of modern and contemporary philosophy (Leibniz, Kant, Husserl);
2. to promote the understanding of the historical-cultural contexts in which these concepts were formed;
3. to develop the ability to apply methods of analysis and historical-philosophical knowledge in the research activities preceding the performance of the final exam;
4. to promote learning skills and autonomy of judgment.

Upon completion of the course students (1) are expected to know the basic issues of the modern and contemporary philosophy (Leibniz,Kant, Husserl); (2) have acquired a scientific attitude to exmination the writings discussed in the course. In particular, they will have developed:
- skills to interpret the signs and meanings of didactic communication between teacher/student and student/student;
- to analyse a philosophical problem from different points of view;
- to identify contradictions in a philosophical argument;
- to control the relevance and meaning of the conceptual expositions;
- to draw conclusions from a variety of observations and inferences.
These skills are promoted during the seminar work that is an integral part of the course through writing texts and collegial debate. The seminar activity of writing and discussion is also aimed at the acquisition of linguistic-communicative skills.
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This course in the History of Philosophy will focus on Hegel's philosophy, outlining the fundamental passages of the Phenomenology of Spirit, and will explore selected parts of Lectures on the Philosophy of Subjective Spirit (1827-1828) relating to Hegelian anthropology.

The course is divided into two 6 CFU modules
Module A (6 CFU)
Analysis of the following figures of the Phenomenology of Spirit:
sensitive consciousness, force, servant-master dialectic, Stoicism, unhappy consciousness, absolute spirit
The text of secondary criticism that will accompany the lectures in Module A
is Jean Hyppolite, Genesis and Structure of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, Bompiani, Milan.

Module B (6 CFU)
Analysis of soul, feeling, genius, habit in the philosophy of the subjective spirit
The secondary criticism text that will accompany the Module B lectures is
Caterina Maurer, The Rationality of Feeling. Gefeuhl und Vernunft in Hegel's Philosophy of Subjective Spirit, Verifiche 58, Padua 2021

Core Documentation

G.F.W. Hegel, Phenomenology of the Spirit, Bompiani, Milan
G.F. W. Hegel, Philosophy of the Subjective Spirit (1827-1828), Guerini e Associati, Milan 2005

Reference Bibliography

Jean Hyppolite, Genesis and structure of Hegel's Phenomenology of the Spirit, Bompiani, Milan. Caterina Maurer, The Rationality of Feeling. Gefeuhl und Vernunft in Hegel's Philosophy of Subjective Spirit, Verifiche 58, Padua 2021.

Type of delivery of the course

The course consists of frontal teaching, based on reading the primary sources and comparison with the original editions. Discussions with students and debates on the topics covered. In order to develop skills in analysis and textual criticism the course includes a seminar on textual reading of Hegelian anthropology. The reading seminar is addressed to all students both to those who must achieve 6 cfu and those who must achieve 12 CFU.

Type of evaluation

The verification of learning occurs through an oral interview. The examination involves the preparation of a 3000-word written paper on the classic thinker's subject of the seminar activity.