20710342 - Workshop: Elements of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy

The workshop of Principles of the History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy is part of the program in Philosophy (BA level) and it is included among the "other training activities". At the end of the workshop students are expected to know the basic issue in history of ancient and medieval philosophy. Furthermore they will have read through some ancient and medieval philosophical texts and they will have focused on the basic issues and debates connected to it. Students will be able to apply the knowledge acquired in the discussion and argument both from a theoretical and a historical-philosophical perspective, and will acquire:
-) Ability to analyze and interpret philosophical texts;
-) Properties of language and argumentation;
-) Ability to contextualize the acquired knowledge in the Philosophical debate.
teacher profile | teaching materials


History of ancient philosophy (weeks 1-6):
Logos and Knowledge (Heraclitus, Parmenides, Zeno)
Being and causes (Plato and Aristotle)
Knowledge and Persuasion (Protagoras, Gorgias, Socrates, Plato)
Knowledge and Nature (Empedocles, Anaxagoras, Democritus)

Core Documentation

Ancient Philosophy:

B. Centrone, Prima lezione di filosofia antica, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2015
R.Chiaradonna e P. Pecere, Vivere la Conoscenza, Mondadori Education, Milano, 2022, Volume 1A: Dalle origini ad Aristotele
R. Chiaradonna, Platonismo, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2017

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures with discussions and debates with students.


Attendance is mandatory

Type of evaluation

In order to have ECTS credited students are required 1: to attend all lectures (weeks 1-12) 2: to prepare one paper either on the ancient philosophy (weeks 1-6) or on the medieval philosophy (weeks 7-12) section.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Reading and commentary on some classical texts of History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy.

Core Documentation

Bibliography provided by the teachers during the lessons.

Type of delivery of the course

The course includes: Frontal teaching; Discussion with students and debates on the topics covered. Attendance is mandatory.

Type of evaluation

The exam only includes a written test, with an assessment of suitability.