Introduce the fundamental arguments in the debate of philosophy of technology
Deepen the epistemological, ethical, political issues raised by the introduction in society of technical artifacts, including digital objects
Analyze the connections between technical developments and social changes
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course will address the relationships between technology, science and philosophy.
Philosophy of technology is a relatively recent discipline that deals with relationships between Technology, knowledge and society.
The course wants to answer to the following questions:
What is technology?
Is it possible to think about science without a reflexion on technology in the present technoscientific environment?
Which are the relationships between society and technology?
Which are the relevant changes introduced by technology in living styles?
Is it possible to consider technology as neutral and value and ideology free?
Technology has a relevant and permanent influence on science and on knowledge building in general but also on the definition of society and its working assets. Technical artefacts produce changes on society and are influenced by social choices, political constraints and economical investments.
In this course we will discuss the importance of philosophy of technology for philosophy itself, if we accept the idea that philosophy is a research for understanding and for acting on present. If we accept this perspective we cannot ignore the importance of technology.
Technology is created according to projects, objectives and standards on which society has no direct control, but technical objects have relevant consequences on the functioning of social practices including the epistemological ones.

Core Documentation

Parini E. G. e Pellegrino G. (2009) (eds) S come scienza T come tecnica e riflessione sociologica, Liguori Ed., Milano, pp. 120-264.
Meldolesi A. (2017) E l'uomo creò l'uomo. Crispr e la rivoluzione dell'editing genomico, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino.
Stiegler B.(2015) Platone digitale, Mimesis, Milano.

Type of delivery of the course

traditional face-to-face lecutres but with a seminarial organization. All students are pushed to participate to the debate on delicate issues relative to open questions in ethical, political and social impact of technology

Type of evaluation

For students attending the course it is possible to write an essay on a planned theme and a presentation during the course For students not attending the course there is a written exam whose aim is the evaluation of the knowledge of texts included in the program