The course of Social Philosophy is part of the program in Philosophical Sciences (MA level) and is included among the characterising training activities. The objective of the course is to provide an in-depth understanding of some aspects of the essential issues and debates connected to the field of Social Philosophy. The course aims at achieving specific skills related to fundamental structures of social nexus. It aims also at developing critical abilities in order to deal with contemporary debates in social philosophy.Students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge to discuss and to develop arguments both in a theoretical and philosophical perspective. Upon completion of the course students are expected to acquire the following skills: 1) advanced critical thinking and its relation to wider issues; 2) advanced language and argumentation skills required to the issues discussed in the course; 3) capacity to read and analyse philosophical sources and the relevant critical debate.
teacher profile | teaching materials


'Civil society' and 'State' between Hegel and the young Marx
The course provides students with in-depth knowledge of the notion of 'society' as elaborated in modern and contemporary thought, by focusing on: a) the relationship between society, social classes, individuals; b) the relationship between social institutions and political sovereignty. The student will acquire critical skills and learn to retrace the historical genealogies of philosophical concepts. They will also acquire tools to interpret current tensions between social movements and political institutions.

Core Documentation

Hegel G.W.F., Lineamenti di filosofia del diritto (ed. Laterza); Parte Terza, L’eticità (con particolare attenzione alle sezioni II e III; in particolare ai paragrafi da 182 a 320);
Marx K., Critica della filosofia hegeliana del diritto pubblico (ed. Quodlibet);
Bobbio N., Studi hegeliani. Diritto, società civile, Stato (ed. Einaudi); 2 articoli, dal titolo: Hegel e il giusnaturalismo (pp. 3-33); Hegel e il diritto (pp. 35-68);
Negri A., Oltre la modernità: dalla crisi del cosmopolitismo alla critica del lavoro, in Pandolfi A. (a cura di), Nel pensiero politico moderno (ed. manifestolibri), pp. 517-534;
Abensour M., La democrazia contro lo Stato. Marx e il momento machiavelliano (ed. Cronopio); Prefazione alla seconda edizione (pp. 17-32), capp. III e V (pp.: 77-86; 99-131).

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lectures

Type of evaluation

Oral test.