The course of Philosophy of Psychiatry is part of the program in Cognitive sciences of communication and action (master level) and is included among the characterizing learning activities.
Upon completion of the course students will be able to demonstrate that they have the ability:
- to understand key issues in the philosophy of psychiatry;
- to critically examine arguments and positions in cognitive neuropsychiatry (or clinical cognitive neuroscience);
- to probe beneath the surface of what they read.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Since its birth, psychiatry has enjoyed an ambiguous status, which confined it in a scientific and cultural zone of its own, secluded from the landscape of the medical disciplines. Still today psychiatry is characterized by a composite nature, which belongs to both the biological sciences and the human ones, straddling the interpersonal and the intrapersonal, the social and the individual. Its roots can be traced to old moral themes and new scientific problems. This fact has been a source of debate and controversy for over a century—to all appearances, it was a theoretical stalemate. This course aims to evaluate the potential of cognitive neuroscience to help psychiatry to find a way out of this impasse.

Core Documentation

R. Guerini e M. Marraffa (a cura di), Psicopatologia e scienze della mente. Dalla psichiatria organicistica alla neuroscienza cognitiva clinica, Carocci, Roma 2019.

Type of delivery of the course

Il corso prevede: Lezioni frontali con proiezione di power-point. Discussioni con gli studenti e dibattiti sugli argomenti trattati. Almeno un seminario inerente ai temi trattati nel corso.


La frequenza non è obbligatoria.

Type of evaluation

La verifica dell’apprendimento avviene attraverso una prova orale on-line su piattaforma Microsoft Teams. È possibile preparare un elaborato scritto di circa 3.000 parole da discutere in sede d’esame. La scelta dei temi e degli articoli oggetto dell’elaborato va discussa e concordata con il docente almeno un mese prima. L’invio tramite posta elettronica dell'elaborato (in formato pdf) deve avvenire almeno una settimana prima. Valutazione: 50% la prova orale (che verte su tutto il programma); 50% l’elaborato scritto.