The course aims to provide students with advanced knowledge about the history of aesthetics. Specific attention will be deserved to the most significant authors in the discipline. The course also aims to provide participants with the with the acquisition of critical skills in the reading of ancient and contemporary classics of the history of the discipline.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20704054 ESTETICA - SPECIALISTICO in Scienze Cognitive della Comunicazione e dell'Azione LM-92 ANGELUCCI DANIELA


The course will start with an introduction to Deleuze's thought, then move on to the reading and commentary of some passages of Logica del senso (1969) focusing on the concepts of becoming and event. The second part of the course will follow some literary traces present in the 1969 text, and will deal with the relationship between literature and philosophy in Deleuze's thought, focusing in particular on some authors.

Core Documentation

G. Deleuze, Logica del senso, Feltrinelli, Milano.
G. Deleuze, F. Guattari, Kafka, per una letteratura minore, Quodlibet, Macerata.
G. Deleuze, C. Parnet, Conversazioni, Ombre corte, Verona, in partic. capp. I e II.
G. Deleuze, Critica e clinica, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, in partic. capp. 1, 3, 4, 10.

A reading of your choice among:
L. Carroll, Alice nel paese delle meraviglie, qualsiasi edizione.
F. Kafka, Il processo, qualsiasi edizione.
H. Melville, Bartleby lo scrivano e Billy Budd, qualsiasi edizione.

A reading of your choice among:
M. Duras, Il rapimento di Lol V. Stein, qualsiasi edizione.
C. Lispector, Acqua viva, qualsiasi edizione.

Type of delivery of the course

The course includes Lectures; Discussions with students and debates on topics covered; Oral presentations by students; Attendance is not mandatory but strongly recommended.

Type of evaluation

The evaluation will be carried out by means of an oral test.