TThe course of Philosophy of Religion is part of the program in Philosophy of Relgion (MA level) and is included among the complementary training activities. The course aims to investigate the concept of religion in Freud's and Jung's psychoanalysis in comparison with the concept of angst in Kierkegaard. Students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge to discuss and to develop arguments both in a theoretical and philosophical perspective. Upon completion of the course students are expected to acquire the following skills: 1) advanced critical thinking and its relation to wider issues; 2) advanced language and argumentation skills required to the issues discussed in the course; 3) capacity to read and analyse philosophical sources and the relevant critical debate.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course aims to investigate the conception of religion in Freud's and Jung's psychoanalysis in comparison with the concept of angst in Kierkegaard.

Core Documentation

Kierkegaard, Malattia mortale e Il concetto di angoscia
S. Freud, Legittimità di separare dalla nevrastenia un preciso complesso di
sintomi come ‘nevrosi d’angoscia’ (1894), in Id., Opere complete, vol. II, pp. 177-192
Azioni ossessive e pratiche religiose (1907), ivi, vol. V, p. 341- 54
L’avvenire di un’illusione (1927) ivi, vol. X, pp. 435-485
Un esperienza religiosa (1927)
L’uomo Mosé e la religione monoteistica (1934-38), ivi,
vol. XI
K.G. Jung (1938/40), Psicologia della religione

Type of delivery of the course

The course is taught by: Lectures Interactive discussions with students.


Attendance is not compulsory.