The Laboratory in Philosophy of Language is part of the program in Philosophical Sciences (MA level) and is included among the “Other training activities”. The laboratory proposes an introduction to the contemporary debate about the relation between music and language through the lecture and the comment of texts from different traditions. The aim will be to point out some problematic issues (linguistic and musical comprehension; expressivity and expression; the origin of language and of the musical activity) traceable in musicological literature, analitical aesthetic, neuro science, paleoanthropological studies and in the thought of continental tradition. Upon completion of the course students are expected to acquire the following skills: 1) advanced critical thinking and its relation to the relevant issues; 2) advanced language and argumentation skills required to the issues discussed in the course; 3) capacity to read and analyse philosophical sources and the relevant critical debate.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The workshop will focus on different themes, including: music as a semiotic system; the comparison between linguistic understanding and musical understanding; the relationship between music and emotions; the articulation of voice, song and word; declinations of the relationship between music and language limits.

Core Documentation

- G. Agamben, Vocazione e voce, in Id., La potenza del pensiero. Saggi e conferenze, Neri Pozza, Vicenza 2005, pp. 78-91
- G. Agamben, La musica suprema. Musica e politica, in Id., Che cos’è la filosofia?, Quodlibet, Macerata 2016, pp. 135-146.
- L. Berio, Scritti sulla musica, Einaudi, Torino 2013.
- C. Dahlhaus, Musica come testo, in Id., In altri termini. Saggi sulla musica, Ricordi, Milano 2009, pp. 219-241.
- U. Eco, La struttura assente, Bompiani, Milano 2002.
- U. Eco, Trattato di semiotica generale, Bompiani, Milano 2016.
- U. Eco, L. Berio, Eco in ascolto, in L. Berio, Interviste e colloqui, Einaudi, Torino 2017, pp. 171-182.
- V. Jankélévitch, La musica e l’ineffabile, Bompiani, Milano 2001.
- P. Kivy, Filosofia della musica. Un’introduzione, Einaudi, Torino 2007.
- S. K. Langer, Filosofia in una nuova chiave, Armando, Roma 1972.
- C. Lévi-Strauss, Il crudo e il cotto, il Saggiatore, Milano 2008.
- S. Oliva, La chiave musicale di Wittgenstein. Tautologia, gesto, atmosfera, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2016.
- L. Wittgenstein, Libro blu e libro marrone, Einaudi, Torino 2000.

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lectures

Type of evaluation
