20710386-1 - New musical technologies: Aesthetics and Utilizations 1

Historiographic, aesthetic and pragmatic rudiments in the creation and interpretation of electronic and electroacoustic music with a primary reference to soundtrack and multisensoriality


teacher profile | teaching materials



Genesis, development and aesthetic-philosophical implications of electroacoustics: from the pioneering experiences in the early Twentieth Century to the dissemination of musical genres based exclusively on artificial, denatured sounds. Will be also illustrated the metamorphoses of a musical panorama shaped by an increasingly accentuated electrification and digitization of sound, starting from the musical poetics of the historical Avant-garde up to current events. Finally, the preparatory approach to the treatment of sound in its various digital formats will also be implemented in laboratory form.

Core Documentation

Reference text being defined.

Type of delivery of the course

AESTHETICS OF NEW MUSICAL TECHNOLOGIES The materials relating to the Aesthetics of New Musical Technologies are collected on Teams in this folder at the link: https://teams.microsoft.com/_#/school/files/Generale?threadId=19%3A5591c0ffc636457db83ab5e059eeb2b4%40thread.tacv2&ctx=channel&context=Materiale%2520del%2520corso&rootfolder=%252Fsites%252FAA2021-ESTETICHEEPRATICHEDELLENUOVETECNOLOGIEMUSICALI-207103%252FMateriale%2520del%2520corso There are also several supplementary texts, in the NOT IN PROGRAM folder. Those who have not attended at least 75% of the lessons - as attested for each individual lesson by the meetingAttendanceList - will have to integrate the program with the following additional texts: Simon Reynolds, Futuromania: sogni elettronici da Moroder ai Migos, trad. it. di Michele Piumini, Roma, Minimum fax 2020 Emanuele Ponzio, Immagine in tempo reale: storie, pratiche, teorie per una introduzione alla performance audiovisiva, Milano-Udine, Mimesis 2019 PRACTICES OF NEW MUSICAL TECHNOLOGIES Strictly and at least 14 days before the date of the chosen exam, the examiner who has not yet taken the practical test must: 1) send CV with evidence of academic qualifications and previous experiences in the music field 2) the list of its hardware and software equipment for managing midi and audio files, specifying in detail what it is able to do Therefore, on a date prior to the exam, a remote meeting will be established with the teacher to verify the declared skills


Students who have not reached 75% of class attendance, will have to agree with the teacher about the additions to this program in order to attend the exam

Type of evaluation

Alternatively, in the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all methods for students' evaluation online will be implemented.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Genesis, development and aesthetic-philosophical implications of electroacoustics: from the pioneering experiences in the early Twentieth Century to the dissemination of musical genres based exclusively on artificial, denatured sounds. Will be also illustrated the metamorphoses of a musical panorama shaped by an increasingly accentuated electrification and digitization of sound, starting from the musical poetics of the historical Avant-garde up to current events. Finally, the preparatory approach to the treatment of sound in its various digital formats will also be implemented in laboratory form.

Core Documentation

Reference text being defined.

Type of delivery of the course

AESTHETICS OF NEW MUSICAL TECHNOLOGIES The materials relating to the Aesthetics of New Musical Technologies are collected on Teams in this folder at the link: https://teams.microsoft.com/_#/school/files/Generale?threadId=19%3A5591c0ffc636457db83ab5e059eeb2b4%40thread.tacv2&ctx=channel&context=Materiale%2520del%2520corso&rootfolder=%252Fsites%252FAA2021-ESTETICHEEPRATICHEDELLENUOVETECNOLOGIEMUSICALI-207103%252FMateriale%2520del%2520corso There are also several supplementary texts, in the NOT IN PROGRAM folder. Those who have not attended at least 75% of the lessons - as attested for each individual lesson by the meetingAttendanceList - will have to integrate the program with the following additional texts: Simon Reynolds, Futuromania: sogni elettronici da Moroder ai Migos, trad. it. di Michele Piumini, Roma, Minimum fax 2020 Emanuele Ponzio, Immagine in tempo reale: storie, pratiche, teorie per una introduzione alla performance audiovisiva, Milano-Udine, Mimesis 2019 PRACTICES OF NEW MUSICAL TECHNOLOGIES Strictly and at least 14 days before the date of the chosen exam, the examiner who has not yet taken the practical test must: 1) send CV with evidence of academic qualifications and previous experiences in the music field 2) the list of its hardware and software equipment for managing midi and audio files, specifying in detail what it is able to do Therefore, on a date prior to the exam, a remote meeting will be established with the teacher to verify the declared skills


Students who have not reached 75% of class attendance, will have to agree with the teacher about the additions to this program in order to attend the exam

Type of evaluation

Alternatively, in the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all methods for students' evaluation online will be implemented.