The workshop introduces through direct and guided experiences to the professional skills and practices of observation and writing in theatre criticism, in print media and periodicals, in radio, tv and media channels and in digital information. The participants are led to study and witness theatre practices beyond performances, with a deep insight in economies, cultures and projects of performing arts. Besides theatre criticism, students will be also involved in training activities concerning press office, promotional networks and publishing and multimedia projects about festivals and theatre seasons and meetings.
teacher profile | teaching materials


This workshop will get started from one of the definitions of the theater critic figure, as it went
transforming itself from the early 1900s to the present day, in connection with the many cultural and social changes,
with the infinite mutations of the theatre and with the radical revolutions of the media,
examining the reviews of the most important critical figures of the last century and recent years. We will
then propose examples of theatrical staging to be analyzed during the classes, with respect to which it will be
asked to the participants to compose reviews, from a more traditional construction
(text / director / actor / staging) to the most contemporary trends in artistic creation,
from stage writing to performance. We will then broaden our analysis to other forms of communication of the
theatre, such as press releases, interviews, presentations and (if technically possible) audio e
video reviews.

Core Documentation

Pamphlets and texts will be provided during the workshop.
A bibliography is suggested in the space provided on this page.

Reference Bibliography

Andrea Porcheddu - Roberta Ferraresi "Questo fantasma. Il critico a teatro" Titivillus, 2010 Massimo Marino " Lo sguardo che racconta" Carocci, 2004 Silvio d'Amico "La vita del teatro" Bulzoni, 1994 Roberto De Monticelli "L'educazione teatrale" Garzanti, 1986 Angelo Maria Ripellino "Siate buffi: cronache di teatro, circo e altre arti : l'Espresso, 1967-77" Bulzoni 1989

Type of delivery of the course

To be admitted to the course and to be considered as attending, students must register by writing to antonio.audino@uniroma3.it no later than 25 February. Due to the current health emergency, the classes will be on live streaming through the University platforms (Teams, Moodle and Stream).


No more than two absences are allowed, corresponding to six hours of course.

Type of evaluation

During the workshop, students will be asked to elaborate specific texts about the topics of the course, giving them the opportunity to practice critical writing as well as relating to the communication of the theatrical play. At the end of the course, a final text of analysis of a particular show or a particular trend or other creative aspect will be required