The course is designed: a) to deepen understanding of theories (i.e. Delsarte, Jaques-Dalcroze and Laban); b) to increase ability to observe dance - its movement, its compositional components - as well as stylistic codes and modes of expression.


teacher profile | teaching materials


Contemporary dance in the experience of some italian authors who have reinvented the language of the body and the performing art. Founders of traditions and creators of new research trajectories, their coreographic experience and writings constitute a heritage on the border between theory and practice. Despite the great technical and poetic differences, the radical nature of their experimentation unites them and places them in the heart of the investigation into the very nature of movement and the scenic act.

Core Documentation

- Il corpo insorto nella pratica performativa di Habillé d’eau , a cura di Ada D’Adamo, Editoria & Spettacolo, Spoleto 2012
- Paola Bianchi, Corpo politico. Distopia del gesto utopia del movimento, a cura di Silvia Bottiroli e Silvia Parlagreco, Editoria & Spettacolo, Spoleto 2014
- Samantha Marenzi, Alessandra Cristiani. Il corpo come radice e l’invenzione di una tradizione, Editoria & Spettacolo, Spoleto 2021 [provisional title, volume in course of publication]
- I corpi del Butō. Fotografie di danza tra Oriente e Occidente, a cura di Samantha Marenzi, Postcart, Roma 2018 (catalogo mostra).

Lecture notes and materials by the teacher available on the course website http://www.teorieepratichedelladanza.it/ or on Teams

Non-attending students will add to the program additional handouts available on the course website
http://www.teorieepratichedelladanza.it/ or on Teams

Type of delivery of the course

In case of need and university directives, the course will take place remotely

Type of evaluation

Oral exam.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20702657 TEORIE E PRATICHE DELLA DANZA (XIX -XXI SEC. ) LM in DAMS Teatro, musica, danza LM-65 MARENZI SAMANTHA


Contemporary dance in the experience of some italian authors who have reinvented the language of the body and the performing art. Founders of traditions and creators of new research trajectories, their coreographic experience and writings constitute a heritage on the border between theory and practice. Despite the great technical and poetic differences, the radical nature of their experimentation unites them and places them in the heart of the investigation into the very nature of movement and the scenic act.

Core Documentation

- Il corpo insorto nella pratica performativa di Habillé d’eau , a cura di Ada D’Adamo, Editoria & Spettacolo, Spoleto 2012
- Paola Bianchi, Corpo politico. Distopia del gesto utopia del movimento, a cura di Silvia Bottiroli e Silvia Parlagreco, Editoria & Spettacolo, Spoleto 2014
- Samantha Marenzi, Alessandra Cristiani. Il corpo come radice e l’invenzione di una tradizione, Editoria & Spettacolo, Spoleto 2021 [provisional title, volume in course of publication]
- I corpi del Butō. Fotografie di danza tra Oriente e Occidente, a cura di Samantha Marenzi, Postcart, Roma 2018 (catalogo mostra).

Lecture notes and materials by the teacher available on the course website http://www.teorieepratichedelladanza.it/ or on Teams

Non-attending students will add to the program additional handouts available on the course website
http://www.teorieepratichedelladanza.it/ or on Teams

Type of delivery of the course

In case of need and university directives, the course will take place remotely

Type of evaluation

Oral exam.