20710175 - Theatrical culture and literary culture

This course aims to provide students an introduction with the relationships between text and performance, theater and print, actors and writers
teacher profile | teaching materials


The first part of the course examines the processes of the dramatic composition of the twentieth century with particular attention to Mejerchol’d and Ejzenštejn. The second part is dedicated to the theater of Anton Chekhov and Samuel Beckett. The theatrical texts will be analyzed through reading exercises and the comparison with the theatrical processes.

Core Documentation

Lectures notes edit by the teacher; (available at the beginning of the course on the site https://sites.google.com/com/site/stefanogeraci1).; A. Cechov, Teatro. Il gabbiano-Il giardino dei ciliegi-Zio Vania-Tre sorelle a cura di G. Guerrieri, Mondadori; S. Beckett, Teatro, Einaudi.
Text books for the non-attending students : Lecture notes edited by the teacher: S. Beckett, Teatro, Einaudi( Aspettando Godot e Finale di partita ); P. Szondi,Teoria del dramma moderno,Torino, Einaudi,1962 e succ.ed,. A. Cechov, Teatro. Il gabbiano-Il giardino dei ciliegi-Zio Vania-Tre sorelle a cura di G. Guerrieri, Mondadori; one of the following books: Stanislavskij, Le mie regie.Zio Vanja; Stanislavskij, Le mie regie.Tre sorelle; Stanislavskij, Le mie regie. Il giardino dei ciliegi, CUE PRESS, 2020.

Type of delivery of the course

The course takes place in seminar format with the active participation of the students.